April and Sleepovers: Part 1

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A/N Sleepover! I love sleepover stories, as I mentioned in my teen titans story. Soon I'll be doing a Fairy Tail story. You know, the anime? Oh well. I've decided to bring Emma and the boys into my author notes. Whether they like it or not. *drags the boys in. Emma follows willingly*

Emma: So, we can do the disclaimers?

Me: Yep. You, then Leo, then Raph, and then Donnie, and finally Mikey.

Mikey: Why am I last? Emma's younger!

Me: Because ladies first. And because I said so! Emma?

Emma: Er, right.

Disclaimer: Kitkat does not own TMNT. At all.

Emma's POV

April practically dragged me to the living room and didn't stop until Leo saw us and gently got my aching arm back from April. As I rubbed my poor arm, April yelled so loudly that Sensei probably heard.

"Who was THAT? Why didn't you tell me? That guy was CUTE!" before April could continue, I put a hand over her mouth to silence her. I didn't want Sensei in here while she was talking about boys. That'd be embarrassing.

"Alex isn't that cute, April. And I only met him two days ago," I replied, noticing too late that the boys were listening. Oh, boy. Now I'm in trouble.

"So that's why you went to the park? For a boy?" Leo asked, frowning at me. I scowled and shook my head. Why would they think that? Uh, never mind.

"No, I didn't know he'd be there," I answered. Which was the truth. I was just lucky he'd been there. Wait, did I just think that?

"What'd he say about your arms?" asked Donnie. I'd completely forgot he'd seen my arms. And what's strange is Alex hadn't asked about the bruises. I shrugged.

"Nothing. I don't know if he noticed, but he if he did, he didn't say anything," I replied.

"Dudette, you just got over Nick. Don't you think you should take a break?" I winced when Mikey mentioned Nick. The boys noticed and glared at Mikey, who smiled nervously. I smiled to show it was okay.

"It's not like I'm into him. Can't I have friends who are boys?" the boys all looked at each other and said 'NO!' when I said that. "But Casey's my friend and he's a boy." They all stopped to think about that.

"She has a good point. And you guys can yell at her later; right now we have to go have a nice, girls-only, sleepover. Later," and with that, April grabbed my arm and pulled me to my room. She locked the door and pointed to my bed. I sat down down and she sat across indian-style from me. "Okay, spill. Tell me everything."

"Okay, but there's not much to tell. I went to the park and saw him wearing headphones and walking towards the bench. On the way, he tripped and fell. I helped him up, got my first aid kit out, took care of his cut, talked to him a little, and then went home. The end," I replied. But of course, April had to add something.

"You forgot to mention the cute part," April added. I felt my face turn into one of fake disappointment.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I asked. April blushed and looked away. I loved teasing her. She's sort of like the big sister/mom I never had.

"That doesn't mean I don't notice other cute boys! It just means they aren't as cute as Casey, in my opinion," April defended. I laughed, and she loosened up.

"Ok. He is cute. But.....I just met him. Sure, he's pretty funny and seems cool, but I....I don't want to be hurt again. Like with.....Nick" I said. April looked at me sympathetically.

"Ok. How about we play some sleepover games. Like....truth or dare!" exclaimed April. I gulped. I'd played that game once with my brothers and ended up being sick with the flu for a month! That's the last time I eat moldy pizza because of Mikey.

What have I gotten myself into? I thought.

A/N Duh! Duh! Duh! I am so evil, leaving you guys on a cliffhanger. Sorry, but I'm still not 100%. I'm feeling better, but not completely.

Emma: Hope you feel better soon.

Leo: Me too!

Raph: I guess.

Donnie: As do I.

Mikey: Me too, author dudette.

Me: Aww, thanks guys.

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