Crates and Lives

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Disclaimer: I own nothing except characters and plot-lines. And there will be a HAPPY ENDING, SO PLEASE CONTINUE READING!

            Emma's POV

I opened the sewer gate. Donnie had managed to trace Shredder back to an old warehouse, so we waited until we were close before heading topside. We each had our weapons, smoke bombs, and phones. I checked to see if it was clear before helping my brothers out.

"Rooftops now." Leo commanded. We all flipped and somersaulted up, giving each other a hand as we landed. We looked in through the glass.

Shredder was yelling at some foot ninjas as they rushed to fortify the doors and windows. I looked at Leo. How would we get in now?

"We should sneak in, element of surprise," Donnie suggested. "I just can't see how."

That's when I noticed the fire escape in the back. It had a staircase leading to the roof, where we were. I pointed at the door, which was behind some old crates, so Shredder must've forgotten it. Raph ruffled my hair in approval. Leo nodded and we all jumped down the staircase, landing softly.

I took out a bobby pin and unlocked the door in 5 seconds flat. New record. I silently and slowly opened the door. Not much, just a crack. No one was there. I walked in, hiding behind the crates, followed by my brothers.

"What are we gonna do now?" Mikey whispered. I looked around. There, at the computer, was him. My father.

"Leo and Raph take on Shredder. You and Don take on the ninjas. I'll take dad," I whispered. Leo looked like he wanted to object, but Raph shook his head. I smiled gratefully. We threw a couple smoke bombs and attacked.

I ran towards my father and punched him. He groaned and fell to the floor, before wrestling me to the ground. I swiped at him with my weapon and cut his arm.

"Brat! I brought you into this world, and I can take you out just as easily!" He yelled. *Had to, sorry*

I noticed the foot ninjas had been taken care of and Shredder had disappeared. My brothers looked a little bruised, but fine. I knocked Tyler to the ground.

"I hate you. Mom would too, if she could see you now," I replied. He cried out in anger, but I knocked him unconscious.

I turned to see the boys coming towards me. That's when I noticed the Shredder's shadow right behind him.

"Em, what'd you-" I cut off Raph by pushing him aside as Shredder came down and stabbed me with his sword right in the stomach.

"Not who I intended, but any death is fine with me," Shredder said as he threw a smoke bomb and disappeared. I fell to the ground, faintly realizing I was screaming as I passed out.

Raph's POV

"No!" We all cried. Donnie ran and started checking her vitals. Leo and I knelt down as Mikey stared in shock at Emma, our little sister, on the ground.

"She'll be okay, won't she?" Mikey asked hesitantly. We heard a groan and saw Em's eyes opening.

"My bed.....I left something for you guys......I'm sorry.....but I love you all....." Em whispered, breathing heavily.

"You're going to be fine, understand?" Leo said, his voice breaking at the end. Em smiled faintly.

"Sorry bro.....Can't follow orders this time.....I saw his shadow and knew.....Shredder would attack you....couldn't let it happen...." That's when her eyes closed. Donnie leaned in to check her breathing and her heartbeat. He looked at us, and shook his head.

When I walked into the lair, holding Em's cold body, April screamed and started crying into Casey's arms. Splinter held her, saying this couldn't be real. Mikey's the one who got Alex to come, after we found the note on Em's bed.

After Splinter read it, Alex knelt to the ground and cried. I was numb. My little sister......was gone. Dead. Leo shut himself in his room, Donnie went to the training room, and Mikey just sat on the couch, not saying anything.

Our lives....would never be the same again.

A/N: I promised a happy ending. Don't worry. And please....DO NOT KILL ME!?

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