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☆ 41. Chapter 41 Granaryfont record

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Chapter 41 Granary

Zhang Zhang held his forehead and said: "I'm sorry, I'm overthinking. It's because I'm uneasy and unsure."

He looked at Ye Jin solemnly and asked: "Can I follow you with Xiao Yue? "

As long as you want, you will always be my partner! There is only one condition for joining my team, never betray!"

She can respect everyone's choice, but if she chooses Ye Jin, she must not betray.

Zhang Zhang said with a solemn expression: "Miss Ye saved me. My life is yours. I will never betray you!"

Ye Jin had saved him in crisis before and gave him and his sister a stable environment. Although he had not read What book, but I also know how to repay kindness.

Xiao Yue also said next to her: "Sister Jin, my brother and I believe in you."

Although she is only a child, she also knows that although Sister Jin usually looks cold and cold, she is warm to them and will give her sweets. eat.

"Both sides of the base are fighting for power now. I haven't thought about building a team for the time being, but you can go out on your own and form a team to improve your strength."

Ye Jin pushed the core crystal back to Zhang Zhang and said, "We have no shortage of food for the time being. , but the strength must be strong, you can take it back to improve your abilities first."

She is not short of food, she just hopes that they can improve their strength and grow quickly, which will also be helpful to her. The team she wants must be the strongest.

Zhang Zhang took back the core crystal, looked at Ye Jin and said seriously: "Okay, captain! I will improve myself as quickly as possible."

In the next few days, Zhang Zhang took Zhang Yiyi and the others almost every day, forming teams everywhere and competing with others. Going out early and coming back late to do tasks and improve combat awareness, Ye Jin basically didn't care about it.

Their abilities were superior to many others. She believed that with Zhang Zhang's ability and Xiao Chen's presence, he could avoid danger directly without any problems.

Now Ye Jin is eyeing the task that Xu Tian's people are preparing for. She knows from Xiao Wu that Xu Tian actually sent many people around him, one group went to the refinery in District X, and the other I don't know what I'm planning.

She had been following Zhu Yuan secretly for a few days. He didn't bring many people, but he drove a dozen cars. The route was remote and there weren't many zombies.

Seeing them killing zombies in front of them, she hid behind and watched them kill them, eating snacks herself.

She also discovered that there was another group of people following them, who were probably not from the base.

Zhu Yuan was very vigilant along the way. He had already circled several times before he dared to go to the correct address.

Ye Jin also noticed that he was going around in circles. What made Zhu Yuan so cautious?

Only when he arrived at his destination did Ye Jin know why he was like this.

It's actually a granary.

The country stores grain in various provinces and regions every year, and the Xu family has collected all the grain warehouses around the city in the early stages of the apocalyptic outbreak. Otherwise, the people at the base would not have been able to survive the three-month heavy snow.

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