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☆ 71. Chapter 71 Departure to Xicheng Basefont record

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Chapter 71 Departure at

the gate of Xicheng Base Cheng Hao felt like he was in for a big surprise. He dared to love his wise and powerful boss. Did he chase him for so long and still be rejected?

Seeing Li Mo coming in behind him, Ye Jin quickly agreed: "Okay, I promise you, I will definitely give you an answer when I come back from Beicheng Base!"

Gu Jingzheng frowned. Although this was not the answer he wanted, But he also knew Ye Jin's temper and didn't force her anymore.

"Okay, I'll wait for you!"

After saying that, he let go of Ye Jin's slender arms, stood up and packed his clothes.

"I'm going out first. If you need anything, come to me anytime."

Ye Jin said in her heart: "..."

Boss, do you know that it's easier for others to think wrong if you do this?

Gu Jingzheng walked to the door and glanced at Cheng Hao. Cheng Hao followed silently, his eyes full of excitement eager to ask questions.

Ye Jin looked at his brother who was still stunned at the door, lowered his head and ran upstairs, closing the door tightly.

I threw myself on the bed and rolled around twice, my God! She felt like she couldn't face her brother anymore. Their posture just now really made people think wrong, right? Xiaochen didn't think she wanted to do something with that doggy man on the sofa, right? !

Cheng Hao followed Gu Jingzheng back to their villa. After entering the house, he saw Li Mo on the sofa. He winked at Li Mo and mouthed some gossip, but Li Mo ignored him at all.

Cheng Hao felt that Li Mo was really boring, and he had to rely on himself to ask questions. He asked: "Boss, where are you and Miss Ye?"

Gu Jingzheng gave him a cold look: "Why did you just go to Ye Jin's house? Isn't there something wrong? Why are you back again?"

"Oh, it's nothing serious. I just want to give Aunt Chen something to eat. Haven't I been eating at their house every day these days..." Of course, the gift was fake. In fact, he just wanted to listen to what was said in the corner. The guy in the corner didn't hear it, so he was shocked in front of his face.

"Didn't you just deliver it this morning?"

Cheng Hao: "..."

Gu Jingzheng snorted coldly: "Don't think I don't know your little thoughts."

Cheng Hao laughed twice: "Haha... I'm not caring. ...Boss, what's your emotional problem~"

"You might as well improve your abilities more while you have this time!"

"..." Boss, can you still speak properly!

When Li Mo saw Cheng Hao being scolded, he didn't even raise his head to look at him. He still stared at the information and just shook his head silently. He was really stubborn.


As Ye Jin calmed down, she carefully analyzed and confirmed her feelings for Gu Jingzheng. It was undeniable that she was indeed attracted to him. Not only was she tacitly understood, Gu Jingzheng's whole person made her heart beat faster.

She is not afraid of anything, but she is still afraid of getting hurt, especially after experiencing her previous life, she still has reservations about feelings.

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