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☆ 91. Chapter 91 Fattyfont record

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Chapter 91

After Fatty got on the bus, there were a total of ten people in the team. In addition to Fatty, Luo Yong and He Rong, the captain of the second team, were at the second level, and the rest had first-level powers.

The car behind was occupied by a few ordinary men, all of whom had guns loaded with hard weapons.

This second team is said to accept women as well as ordinary people, but in reality these people are doing logistical work. If you want to go on a mission, you have to earn points yourself. This mission also brought a woman, Ye Jin, because she The points are full.

The car just drove out of the base. Within a few minutes, it was hit by a car from a group of people behind it. The car was knocked sideways. Ye Jin was sitting firmly. The fat man was so big that his head hit the car window.

"Damn! This grandson, Sun Tao, is so shameless!" Jin Taoxing opened the window and cursed at the car that had driven in front of them: "Grandson, don't run away. If you can, stop the car and have a fight!"

The car that hit someone It had already accelerated, and even the butt of the car was gone. Instead, the fat man was choked with car exhaust.

"Ahem!" The fat man began to curse again: "A bunch of immoral people who don't care about human affairs! They used to like to fuck with me in the first team, and now they dare to bump into me."

Ye Jin sat next to the fat man, and she silently pulled up her mask. , I bet this is the second team who came here after they didn't get along well with the first team. She handed the fat man a bottle of mineral water.

"Thank you, it's better for you, my eldest sister." The fat man drank a few sips of water and felt a little better after being choked by the car exhaust. He looked at Ye Jin's mask and said, "Big sister, why are you still wearing a mask? Aren't you bored? Ye

Jin shook his head: "The climate has become colder now." According to the previous weather, it should be snowing in January now. It was still very hot a few days ago, but the weather has started to get cooler in the past few days. Phenomenon.

"But I don't think the weather will change. Girls, you have to wear a mask. This face is too attractive." He Gang interrupted from

before and said: "The climate of the apocalypse will change at any time. Let's go out this time and do it." Hurry up."

"Then their team rushed in front of us. What's going on? They are trying to compete with us for the mission." The

fat man said dissatisfied: "Sun Tao's grandson is so shameless. He used to be in the team. Just punish me, and now he is causing trouble. If he didn't have a captain brother, I would have kicked him to death."

Luo Yong, who was driving, said: "Captain, the front of our car is stuck. There seems to be something wrong somewhere. We are driving at this speed. It's not fast."

He Gangyun said calmly: "It doesn't matter, drive slowly, just in time for them to explore the road for us."

After hearing He Gang's words, Ye Jin raised her eyebrows, "That's okay, what did you miss?" Yes, this kind of work is her favorite.

This time, the third-level zombies were in a Central Park. When Ye Jin and the others arrived, they saw the car that hit their group parked at the entrance of the park.

The fat man walked over, slashed the tires of their car with a knife, and muttered: "Grandson, let you hit me! I'll see how you get back if you stay here!"

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