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☆ 271. Chapter 271 Devouring the Mother Zombie Corpsefont record

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Chapter 271 Devouring the Mother The zombie corpse

did not respond after a while.

Ye Jin asked: "What's going on? Why didn't you come?"

Tang Li frowned and said, "Maybe she is no longer under control."

He had difficulty controlling the mother zombie before, so Tang Li said, "Maybe she has advanced."

Ye Jin asked . Jin also frowned, it would be very troublesome if he advanced.

"Since she won't come, force her to come."

Ye Jin hit the baby zombie with a thunder ball, directly breaking the wings on its back.

"Ho, ho." The baby zombie screamed in pain.

"It is related to the mother zombie. It is injured, and the mother zombie will definitely come!"

Ye Jin also hit with another thunder ball, and a black shadow rushed over and took the baby zombie away.

Ye Jin quickly gathered the thorns on the baby zombie to tie up the mother zombie.

The female zombie pulled the thorn vine away and threw it away with one claw, howling angrily at Ye Jin.

Ye Jin took a few steps back, and a thunderball hit the female zombie, who quickly dodged it.

"Ye Jin, she's in the process of advancing!" Tang Li whistled at the side and tried to help control her. It was already very difficult and he couldn't control her anymore.

Ye Jin found that the aura of the female zombie was more dangerous this time than last time.

She wants to solve it quickly, she cannot be allowed to advance!

Ye Jin rushed forward and swung down the thorn vine with all his strength, attacking the female zombie continuously.

The female zombie evaded extremely quickly, her black nails grew longer, and they were all filled with dark matter.

He grabbed Ye Jin and turned sideways, scratching the ground with his fingernails. There were four deep scratches on the ground.

Wherever the ground was scratched, it was all corroded.

Ye Jin used a thunder net to seal the female zombie's body, and a big thunder ball fell down. The female zombie screamed, and the thunder ball made a hole in her stomach.

Ye Jin frowned, he still didn't die!

The female zombie began to emit dark powers all over her body, and a black power ball hit her.

Ye Jin dodged, but where his shoulder rubbed against the dark energy ball, a wound was corroded and his flesh and blood was exposed.

The female zombie's eyes instantly turned red and she became greedy. She smelled the sweet smell unique to high-level superpowers.

Sharp teeth sprouted out. As if she couldn't feel the pain of being injured in her abdomen, she attacked fiercely, trying to bite Ye Jin's shoulder.

Ye Jin quickly tied up the female zombie with thorn vines and hit her in the face with a thunder ball.

The fangs were smashed, and the female zombie roared: "Jie, Jie!"

Ye Jin kicked her away, and the thorn vines whipped up, quickly wrapped around the female zombie's neck, and tried to pull her head off.

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