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☆ 221. Chapter 221 Finding oil and gas reservoirsfont record

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Chapter 221 Finding the Oil and Gas Reservoir

Zhou Qingtao frowned. The life and death of Fu Yihao and Ye Jin was none of his business. He knew Yan Yuchi's little actions towards Ye Jin at that time. He was too anxious to pay attention to the situation there. He would not be fooled by Ye Jin. Has Jinla fallen into the water?

If you think about it from his perspective, if someone does something evil to you, he will drag him to his death before he dies.

Zhou Qingtao was a little happy after Yan Yuchi died, and his sister would only make trouble for a while. According to Jingjing's temperament of liking the new and hating the old, she might make trouble for a while at first, but she would eventually like other people.

There was no need for him to spend more time and manpower on Yan Yuchi's little moves.

"Captain Jin, things are already like this. We don't want to lose more than we gain. Let's find more people to dig up this place. This is a situation of last resort. We still have to take the bodies of our teammates back."

Zhou Qingtao's sanctimonious words are simply tormenting. Jin Dexin was so angry that he dug the blocked tunnel just for the seventh-order nuclear crystal! But how much pressure will I bear when I go back?

Fortunately for the Yan family, Yan Yuchi was an illegitimate son. How could the Fu family be so easy to deal with, including Gu Jingzheng! If he knew his wife was gone, he would definitely eat him alive!

Jin Dexin was so angry that his heart ached and his face turned red. If it weren't for Minister Chang's praise of Zhou Qingtao, he would have wanted to have a fight with him. After so many missions, this time he was really frustrated!

You take all the good things, and others take the blame!

Zhou Qingtao knew that Jin Dexin was scolding him in his heart. He only had eyes for the seventh-order nuclear crystal now, and other things could not affect him.

According to the rules of points and statistics of the capital base headquarters, whoever kills counts. He threw the bomb just now with his own hands, and he was sure of this seventh-order nuclear crystal.


Ye Jin left the space when she was almost there.

As soon as he came out, he missed the point and fell down.

She quickly stabilized her body, and the moment she stepped on it, she sank into the soft ground.

It was too dark, there was no fire, and nothing could be seen clearly. Ye Jin smelled a smell of oil, and she sniffed it carefully with her nose.

Feeling pleasantly surprised, I took out a large flashlight from the space and was overjoyed to see the scene in front of me.

This explosion actually blew open the rock wall of the underground layer and found the oil and gas reservoir deep down.

Ye Jin squatted on the ground and picked up a little bit with his hands. It was a thick dark brown liquid.

She originally wanted Xiaolu to show her the way, but now it takes no effort, but these cannot be used. The minerals need to be purified and mined.

When others find out, and someone comes to keep an eye on the mining, she won't be able to get anything out of it.

Ye Jin looked at the ground and fell into deep thought. Suddenly something moved around her. She turned her head and saw that Zhou Nan was not dead.

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