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☆ 51. Chapter 51 Zombie Virus Researchfont record

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Chapter 51 Research on Zombie Viruses

Yang Shuhuai looked at Ye Jin's leaving figure, a dark light surging in his eyes. His mental power had reached the second level. He was sure that he had not missed the killing intent in the eyes of that woman just now, even with just one glance. He took it back, but it still made his hair stand on end.

He seemed to have never seen this woman before, and he probably had no grudge against her, but he couldn't be mistaken about her murderous aura.

It seems to be called Ye Jin? I just inquired about the news with their group outside. I heard that he was a high-level psychic of two series...

"Professor Yang? What are you looking at?"

Yang Shuhuai came back to his senses and found that Gu Jingzheng was staring at him, and there was a moment in his heart. Flustered, but quickly calmed down.

He smiled and said, "It's nothing. I think Miss Ye and Major General Gu seem to be a good match? Are you a couple?"

Gu Jingzheng did not reply, but looked at him expressionlessly.

Li Lin, who was flipping through information next to her, raised her head: "Shu Huai!"

She frowned and said, "What are you talking about? This is Mr. Gu's private matter and we shouldn't interfere."

Yang Shuhuai immediately laughed and said, "It's my fault. I'm just talking, Mr. Gu, don't be angry."

Gu Jingzheng ignored him.

Professor Li was concentrating on sorting out his precious research materials, not paying attention to the situation here at all.

Li Lin felt embarrassed and said to Gu Jingzheng: "Thank you very much this time, Mr. Gu. The food in the laboratory was almost exhausted before. If you hadn't come to pick us up, we wouldn't know what we would have done."

" It should be." Gu Jingzheng still had the same cold face and no emotion.

The last task he took before the destruction of the senior leadership was to find Professor Li and evacuate. However, he did not expect that the people above him had a traitor, and the exact location of Professor Li was never found.

After Li Lu entered the experiment, his cell phone was confiscated and he could not be contacted by the outside world. No one would have thought that Professor Li would be hidden in a school with the largest flow of people.

"Found it!" Li Lu said excitedly: "Xiao Zheng! Found it!"

Yesterday, Gu Jingzheng suddenly appeared and asked them to leave the school immediately. When he left, there was no time to take anything. He took this small pile of information in a panic , I finally found it after searching for so long.

"Here are half of the research materials on the zombie antidote! Give me a little more time, and when I finish the other half, I can make the antidote." Li Lu was very excited. This was the result of his almost sleepless work in the past six months.

Professor Li's happy face was filled with wrinkles, but Gu Jingzheng's expression was complicated.

"Professor Li..."

"What's wrong? Xiao Zheng? Why do you look like this?" Li Lu looked down at his results excitedly.

"Professor Li, maybe you have been in the laboratory for a long time and are not very clear about the situation outside... Now the zombies have mutated."

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