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☆ 191. Chapter 191 Changing the core crystalfont record

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Chapter 191 Changing Core Crystal

Li Lin was full of despair: "You don't love me at all! You lunatic!"

She was really scared, why would the person she likes be this kind of person!

"I'm crazy because I'm smart!" Yang Shucheng's hand touched Li Lin's belly: "This child is the greatest masterpiece!"

No newborn will be born after the end of the world. The results of his hard work for so long are about to be realized. , Zombie antidote is nothing, he is the genius in the medical field!

Li Lin thought of the various injections he had injected into her these days, and she felt very scared. She didn't know what was in her stomach!

She really hated Yang Shuhuai!

But Yang Shuhuai didn't think there was anything wrong in his eyes. He loved Li Lin and wanted a child with her. This was his way of love.

Li Lin couldn't bear the psychological pressure and fainted.

Yang Shuhuai immediately picked her up and put her on the bed when he heard a noise at the door of the secret room.

Very few people knew about this place. Normally, he would meet with Yan's family on schedule. If he asked for anything he needed, they would send it to them.

He glanced at Li Lin who had fainted and opened the door.

Seeing that it was Yu Ruanruan, he laughed: "What? Are you urging me again?"

Yang Shuhuai had to admit that this woman still had a way with men. He coaxed Yan Yuzhou into telling her his hiding place.

But these methods were of no use to him. He wanted to know what system she had.

They had taken over before. He helped Yu Ruanruan study how to dig out other people's core crystals and transfer them to herself for use. She exchanged the formula for the Zombie X3 antidote with him.

The corpses soaked in formalin inside were all used for his experiments.

"Your Master Yan didn't send you here?" Yang Shuhuai still doesn't know that Yu Ruanruan has no backer. If he knew, he would just tie Yu Ruanruan for anatomy now.

Yu Ruanruan stiffened: "He went out to do a mission."

She especially hated the way Yang Shuhuai looked at her. The memory of being tied to the operating table last time still made her tremble. This man was obviously not that friendly to her, so The sensitivity is actually still 50 points.

This good impression is obviously caused by curiosity about her system and unknown things.

"How was the research I asked you to do last time?" Yu Ruoruan asked anxiously, Ye Jin's superpowers became stronger.

"Currently we can only transplant core crystals from a single system."

"Single system!" Yu Ruoruan said dissatisfied: "What's the use of a single system!" Ye Jin is a multi-system power user!

And now that Yan Yuzhou is nowhere to be seen, where can she find a high-level superpower to replace him.

"Of course, if you have multiple powers, you can use them for me to experiment on." Yang Shuhuai said, "Anyway, the Yan family is not short of nuclear crystals. If the formula of your X3 antidote is real, I'm afraid the Yan family won't give it to you." Do you have nuclear crystals to improve your abilities?"

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