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☆ 121. Chapter 121 Searching for Yang Shuhuaifont record

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Chapter 121 Searching for Yang Shuhuai

Yi Jun pointed at Li Lin who was stunned by them and said: "If you don't want to kill this woman, just stay here. It will be inconvenient for us on the road."

Yang Shuhuai looked at Li Lin deeply, He said without emotion: "Take it with you! No one can hurt her!"

Yi Jun wanted to say something else, but Yang Shuhuai said: "Your superior said, meet all my requirements."

Yi Jun I can only curse in my heart, I really don't know why the higher-ups want to find a madman to do research.


"Where is this?" Yu Ruanruan looked at the empty area nearby. Her top was cut and her body was bleeding. She was cold and painful.

The system voice said coldly: "The energy has been exhausted. You can only find a way for yourself for the rest of the journey."

"Why don't you kill that beast Yang Shuhuai?" Yu Ruoruan asked.

"Since you know that I rely on absorbing luck to support me, you should understand that this system will not cause harm to people with luck. It is not just Yang Shuhuai, but also Ye Jin. Your luck is better than theirs. , if you want to kill them, you have to do it yourself!"

"If I had the ability to kill him, would I ask you to save him?" Yu Ruoruan was very dissatisfied and said, "If you told me that you couldn't kill him, why didn't you let me Improve your own strength? I worked so hard on the strategy, but in the end I got nothing!"

"The path to conquering men is your own choice. This system does not accept blame-shifting! If you want to improve your abilities, you can also start with the first-level abilities. Move up!"

It gave her two choices at the time. It was Yu Ruoruan who wanted to take the road of strategy. Although it was deliberately inducing at the time, the decision was made by herself.

Attacking different people allows the host to obtain more luck from different people to support the system. Improving abilities can only increase the luck of one person in the host, which is not enough for it to absorb energy.

"Oh, to put it simply, I am already so far behind Ye Jin. How can I catch up if I just start practicing my powers now? There are no products in your system mall that can increase the level of your powers?" "Yes

, increase it by one level." Each level requires 100,000 core crystals, and then the higher levels are stacked one after another." The system mall has all the superpower attributes that can be redeemed. To improve the superpower, a huge amount of core crystals are required.

If Yu Ruanruan wanted to advance to the fourth level of the thunder system, he would need at least more than one million nuclear crystals.

After Yu Ruoruan heard this, she was so angry that she asked, "Why don't you go rob me?"

The system directly struck her with an electric shock.

"I'm warning you again, this is the last time! If you can't provide me with value again, I will definitely absorb all your luck!"

Its system has already issued an energy warning, and it has spent three opportunities to shuttle Yu Ruanruan through it. , the energy has been exhausted.

The energy and results it put into this woman were completely out of proportion, and this woman's luck was already declining.

How is it possible to get benefits from it without giving anything? To give her advanced powers would cost a lot of energy.

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