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☆ 81. Chapter 81 Piranhafont record

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Chapter 81 Piranha

"Plop." With a sound, the stone fell into the river, only a little ripple was seen, and then there was no sound.

Ye Jin said: "The water is very deep and dirty. Let's find a way to cross over the bridge."

"On the bridge?" Shen Yuting asked: "The bridge is broken, how to get across?"

"Zhang Zhang."

"Hey! Boss, What are your orders?"

"How do you feel mentally now?" Ye Jin thought that Zhang Zhang had just entered the third level, and was afraid that he had not recovered yet.

"Okay, I feel full of energy now." He stayed up all night yesterday to upgrade. Although he didn't sleep all night, he felt much better after the upgrade.

"Okay, later I will use the water system to prop up a water bridge. You use ice to freeze the water bridge."

"Freeze? Freeze?" Zhang Zhang was stunned for a moment. This concept seemed to be beyond his expectation.

Before Zhang Zhang could react, Ye Jin used the water system to prop up a water bridge.

She said to Zhang Zhang: "Hurry up and help!"

"Oh, okay." Zhang Zhang quickly released his ice power and froze the water bridge. Unfortunately, his third-level power was still limited and could not support such a large amount. .

Seeing the cold sweat on Zhang Zhang's forehead, Ye Jin said: "You freeze the surface of the water first, and then thicken it with ice after a while."

After hearing this, Zhang Zhang first froze the water bridge with a thin layer of ice.

He stopped to wipe his sweat and began to absorb the nuclear crystal compensation energy.

Wait until Zhang Zhang recovers before reinforcing the water bridge. Now we can only use this repeated method to make the bridge stable and able to pass people.

The ice on the bridge had stabilized, and it was almost possible to pass people over. Ye Jin put the RV into the space.

Shen Yuting's eyes widened. Sure enough, she was following a big boss. He was so awesome. He could even build a bridge and accept such a large RV at will.

Ye Jin didn't want to hide it from Shen Yuting. For the convenience of life, she often took things from the space. She couldn't hide it even if they stayed together every day, so she just let them think it was an ordinary space.

She said: "That's enough, let's go over quickly."

This ice bridge is strong enough for people to walk across.

Zhang Zhang was holding Zhang Yue, and just as he stepped onto the bridge, a car rushing out from behind caught him off guard, and he pulled Zhang Yue back a few steps.

"Fuck!" Zhang Zhang picked up Zhang Yue, and Wang Ganghu and his group chased him.

In the car, Wang Ganghu commanded: "Drive over quickly, this bridge won't last long." He also pointed a pistol at Ye Jin and the others.

The car drove at high speed on the ice bridge, and the weight of the car caused cracks in the bridge. Several cars followed behind, and they caught Zhang Zhang standing by the bridge and hit him.

Ye Jin was furious when he saw it. The shot just now was a failure. He didn't kill this guy.

She was just about to hit Wang Ganghu's car with a thunderball, and then looked at the cracked ice bridge. The bridge would probably be broken if the thunderball hit it. Ye Jin released a water column, hitting Wang Ganghu's car directly under the bridge.

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