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☆ 151. Chapter 151 Gossipfont record

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Chapter 151

Fatty Gossip is surprised, turns out he is not an enemy? He even planned to start a fight if he went down.

Seeing this, Ye Jin could only go down.

After not seeing each other for more than a year, Fu Yihao finally calmed down when he saw Ye Jin. He walked over and said, "Xiao Jin."

Before he even got close, he was kicked quickly by Ye Jin.

Fu Yihao was unprepared for her, and a sudden kick hit him in the abdomen. He covered the area where he was kicked and took several steps back.

Lin Xuan, who was closest to him, quickly supported Fu Yihao.

"Master Fu? How about it?" Lin Xuan raised his eyes and looked at the cold and charming woman in front of him. Is she the person that Master Fu is looking for?

Xie Wenjie also got out of the car immediately and went over: "Xiao Hao, are you okay?"

The people on Fu Yihao's side gathered around in panic. Shen Xunfei and the others also got off the car quickly and walked to Ye Jin's side.

The people on Fu Yihao's side wanted to take action, but he stopped him.

He smiled at Ye Jin and said, "Xiao Jin is getting better and better."

The kick just now still hurt his abdomen. It was a good thing that he was strong.

"When Xiaochen and Ye Xu went back, I didn't see you. I was afraid that if something happened to you, they didn't want to tell me..." Fu Yihao curled his lips: "Fortunately, nothing happened to you."

He just saw Yu Leyang's mutilated appearance. At that time, he didn't know how nervous he was, worried that Ye Jin would be like this, and he would never forgive himself for not taking Ye Jin away by force at that time.

"You guys blocked my car." Ye Jin said coldly: "Move away!"

Fu Yihao's smile froze, and he first stepped forward to hold Ye Jin's hand, but she avoided it and stepped forward again.

This time Fu Yihao dodged quickly and was not kicked.

"What are you doing? Do you know that Xiao Hao is worried about you?" Xie Wenjie couldn't stand it anymore. They rushed to the southern base day and night. Xiao Hao was worried that she wouldn't even be able to eat, but it was better for her to take action as soon as they met.

This woman is beautiful, but why is her personality completely different from what Xiao Hao said?

"Xiao Jin!" Fu Yihao said, "I left in a hurry and didn't intentionally leave you at the southern base. Now that the situation in the capital has stabilized, I will take you back." No one on

Ye Jin's side knew what was going on. This doesn't look like an enemy.

Fatty still knew a little about Ye Jin, and her expression now showed that she was really annoyed by the man in front of her who said he was worried about her.

But the worry in the man's eyes across from him doesn't look like he's faking it. Could it be a love debt?

My aunt is my aunt. There was the super powerful Admiral Gu, and now there is... He took a look at the other person's clothes and equipment. He should be a rich second generation, right?

"Do I need you to take me back?"

Ye Jin's words made Fu Yihao stunned and his body became stiff.

"Either you get out of the way, or I kick you all away!"

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