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☆ 231. Chapter 231 Advance againfont record

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Chapter 231 Advanced again

Zhou Qingtao looked at Ye Jin's moves and his eyes darkened. It seemed that he really underestimated this woman. He had no power to fight back in the hands of the female zombie. Ye Jin could still get along with her. So many moves!

Tang Li was still blowing the whistle, but it was completely useless. The female zombie was now completely out of control, her eyes were red, and her jagged look was fierce after the transformation.

Ye Jin's excitement rose again, and she felt that her realm was loosening.

The thorn vine wrapped around the female zombie's neck. Ye Jin jumped on the female zombie's shoulder and pulled her neck hard, and the sharp blade of the thorn vine also penetrated.

The female zombie's hand pulled down the thorn vine. The dark energy corroded the body of the thorn vine, and forcefully pulled Ye Jin off her shoulders.

Ye Jin was thrown to the ground and hit on her back. The female zombie hit her with a black ball again, and she rolled several times.

The thorn vines circled the female zombie's feet, and Ye Jin pulled hard, knocking her down. Now, Ye Jin jumped up, and a huge thunderbolt hit the female zombie's head.

Everyone was nervously watching the situation over there. Even with their low abilities, they couldn't get in. It was difficult for Fu Yihao to even get close to their battlefield.

A very fast black shadow flew over and tore the female zombie away. The thunderball fell on the ground and made a big hole.

The baby zombie and the female zombie are one, and when they sense the mother's female zombie is in danger, they rush over immediately.

Tang Li's pupils tightened. The combination of these two zombies is too powerful. Now that the zombies are not under his control, they will all die!

Ye Jin watched the baby zombie drag the female zombie away, immediately retracted the thorn vine, and whipped them at the joint to separate them.

Tang Li took out a knife and slit his wrist. The special smell of blood immediately attracted the attention of the baby zombie.

He knew that the baby zombie was greedy. The wings on the baby zombie's back spread out and it flew over, biting Tang Li's wrist with its sharp teeth.

Shen Yuting suddenly felt a pain in her head, and she sensed something again, but no one paid attention to her. Shen Xunfei and Fatty's nervous eyes were all on Ye Jin. They had low powers and could not enter the battlefield at all.

The female zombie counterattacked Ye Jin, and her sharp teeth were about to bite down. Suddenly, lightning flashed, and the whole sky was filled with lightning. The female zombie felt a familiar sense of fear deep in her consciousness, and she subconsciously wanted to run away.

A giant thunderball hit her arm directly, and the ground was electrified and turned black.

"Ho! Ho!" The female zombie's arm was chopped off on the spot.

The baby zombie that was attracted by Tang Li's blood also felt a pain in the body and immediately returned to the female zombie's shoulders. Ye Jin continued to hit her, but the female zombie sensed the crisis. The baby zombie's wings grew larger and dragged the female zombie away before flying away.

"Damn! Why are you running away!" Ye Jin complained, how come you can't afford to play with zombies?

When she turned back, two hundred pairs of eyes of the people in the row behind were looking at her.

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