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☆ 181. Chapter 181 Dress Trialfont record

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Chapter 181 Dress Trial

"It's his friend from the orphanage." Zhang Yiyi muttered, "It's quite a coincidence. I've never seen him so happy."

Ye Jin frowned slightly after listening to Zhang Yiyi's words, but she also She didn't think about using her mental power to pry. She respected her teammates and it was impolite to do so.

Wang Tiantian said to Xia Li: "Brother Xia Li, are you really not with us? We are short of a captain now. You are very suitable and you are very capable." "

Our captain is very good to me. She saved me..."

"Oh! , I know, I know, you have said it several times." Xia Li was interrupted by Wang Tiantian before he finished speaking.

"I just think Chollima needs to be discovered by Bole. It's just a pity that you are so capable, but you can only be mediocre in the team."

Xia Li's eyelashes trembled and his expression darkened.

"I didn't mean that." Wang Tiantian said immediately: "I'm sorry, don't mind... I just feel sorry for you." "

You don't need to apologize, I know you mean well." Xia Li said, "I'm leaving first, you If you have anything to do in the future, you can come to me."

"Okay, if you need anything, you must remember to come to me. Although I am not as capable as you, my teammates are very good." Wang Tiantian smiled and waved to him.

Xia Li came out and was stunned for a moment when he found Ye Jin and the others waiting for him.

"Are you done talking?" Ye Jin said, "Let's go."

Xia Li's panic just now turned into disappointment again. Doesn't Ye Jin even want to know what Wang Tiantian said to him?

He looked at the others again. Fatty and Shen Xunfei were fighting with each other as usual. Zhang Yiyi didn't want to talk to him because he helped Wang Tiantian once.

Xia Li felt like he was a marginalized person in the team and had no sense of existence. No one cared about his feelings or whether he wanted to leave.

In fact, Wang Tiantian was right. Fatty's abilities were not as high as his own. Ye Jin was willing to take Fatty with him when going on missions, and it was not his turn to recruit team members.

Even the Shen brothers and sisters who joined the team later were more trusted by Ye Jin than him... Maybe it was because of the incident before, so Ye Jin didn't want to trust him anymore, but he also lost his arm because of it.


just one day after returning home, Ye Jin was pulled out by Gu Jingzheng again.

Gu Jingzheng said: "Ajin, try these clothes quickly."

Ye Jin looked at the several clothes of different colors that Gu Jingzheng put in front of her and asked: "What are these for?"

Gu Jingzheng asked with a smile: "You should Didn't you forget?"

"What did you forget?"

"The day after tomorrow is the day when the Zhou family and the Yan family get married." Gu Jingzheng didn't expect that she was so busy during this period that she forgot all about it.

Ye Jin patted her head: "Why did I forget!"

She was so busy these days that she really didn't think of this. Nowadays, there are no mobile phones in the last days and no one looks at the calendar every day. She almost forgot what month it is now.

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