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☆ 211. Chapter 211 Perceiving the Pastfont record

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Chapter 211 Sensing the Past

Thinking about Ye Jin's arrangement, Shen Yuting could only bite the bullet.

"Why don't you eat?" Shen Yuting looked at Tang Li holding the lunch box without moving, and said, "If you don't eat, it will be cold."

She saw Tang Li's hand holding the lunch box move. She read it right. Vision has always been good.

Shen Yuting pretended not to know anything. When her porridge was ready, she asked: "Want to drink?"

Then Tang Li turned around and ignored her, turned his back to her, then faced Tupo and started eating.

Shen Yuting: "..." What a weirdo.

When Tang Li finished eating, he was like a piece of wood again, sitting still.

Shen Yuting couldn't use her precognition power to detect it. The other party was of a higher level than her, so she had to have physical contact.

But how can we get in touch with him like this?

"I'm sorry, your position is quite sheltered from the wind. My team members didn't leave a tent for me. Do you mind if I sit next to you?" The

man next to her didn't respond, and Shen Yuting's mind was spinning.

Seeing a black robe, with the only hands exposed outside, he used the stupidest method.


Shen Yuting slapped his hand: "There's a mosquito!"

Tang Li immediately avoided it, but Shen Yuting's fingertips still touched a bit of cold skin.

Suddenly, several pictures flashed through her head, leaving Shen Yuting stunned for a moment.

People in white coats, injections, and many blurry images, hospital?

Her wrist stung, Shen Yuting came to her senses and met Tang Li's eyes.

The mask obscured her appearance, but half of the exposed eyes were scarred, staring at her deeply and coldly.

"Are you scared?" Tang Li felt the pulse of the wrist he grabbed beating rapidly, and the other person's hands were shaking.

"You...you can talk?" Shen Yuting was surprised. The boss said that he had never heard him speak.

"Are you afraid of getting close to me?" Tang Li's voice wasn't unpleasant, but it was so hoarse that it made people feel cold to the bone.

He knew that this woman was sent by the man named Ye Jin.

Ye Jin stared at him every day, testing him in various ways. Now that he was gone, he sent another one? But this one is too weak.

"You are very different from her." Even though he was scared, he still pretended to be calm. Not only was Ye Jin not afraid of him, Tang Li could even feel that Ye Jin wanted to fight and compete with him.


Suddenly, Shen Yuting's mind felt a twinge of pain again, and she saw many scattered pictures.

There are many children...

many children are crying. They are all wearing clothes, and the clothes have numbers similar to numbers on them.

Shen Yuting unconsciously spat out: "No. 09?"

Tang Li looked sternly and strangled Shen Yuting's neck: "Who are you!"

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