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☆ 61. Chapter 61 They are all people trained by the countryfont record

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Chapter 61: They are all people trained by the state.

Wasn’t she poached and nucleated by Yang Shuhuai in her previous life and turned into a useless person?

Noticing that Ye Jin's eyes were wrong, Gu Jingzheng asked: "What's wrong?"

Ye Jin didn't reply, but asked another question: "Do you know about the underground secret group?"

Gu Jingzheng didn't look surprised at all, he just said calmly: "Not only do you know , I am still an insider of the secret team, not only me, but also Li Mo, Cheng Hao, and Zhou Yan."

This honest answer made Ye Jin stunned.

Gu Jingzheng smiled and said: "This is not a high-level secret. It may have been before the end of the world, but it is not now. The underground secret group is also called the Dark Revolution. It is a team organized by the country before the end of the world to find people who have awakened supernatural powers from all over the country. For training."

"Are you and Li Mo the chosen ones?"

Gu Jingzheng nodded: "Yes, not only that, we are basically orphans."

This made Ye Jin dumbfounded, he was not from the Gu family person?

"Do you also think that I am a family member?"

Ye Jin nodded.

He smiled and said: "My parents are both martyrs and sacrificed their lives when I was very young. I am just the one with better talent selected by Mr. Gu from so many orphans. I can be considered the luckiest one.

" It's hard to say whether it's luck or misfortune.

She looked at Gu Jingzheng's smiling features, as if she didn't think that her life experience was affected at all, but she actually felt a little sour in her heart.


Gu Jingzheng looked at Ye Jin's expression and laughed a few times and said, "Why do you have such an expression? Do you feel sorry for me?" "

..." Sure enough, this man is like this, Qian Don't expect anything.

After laughing, Gu Jingzheng asked Ye Jin: "How do you know about the secret group? Not many people know."

Ye Jin told him about the third-level wind superpower he encountered last time when he assassinated Xu Jiaguo.

"That person had already reached the third level when the zombies first evolved. I remember you were at the second level before the end of the world."

Gu Jingzheng knew what Ye Jin wanted to ask and said, "The mission I took on before the end of the world was also very dangerous. It depends on strength. The injection you saw Li Mo gave me before was a superpower inhibitor. I couldn't control my previous dark superpowers at all. You know this."

Ye Jin nodded. She still remembered the last time. The scene where his dark power awakens and everything around him is corroded is so impressive.

"My abilities are already top-notch in Dark Ge. That person can reach level three in the early stage. He must have used other methods."

Ye Jin dug out a few more spoonfuls of rice, took a few bites and said, "I suspect it is I took an injection to improve my abilities. Even though that person’s abilities were at level three, when I faced him, his abilities and skills were much worse. Maybe he was even better than Zhang Zhang, who was at level two and was down-to-earth and relied on actual combat to improve his abilities. People with abilities."

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