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☆ 261. Chapter 261 It's New Year's Eve againfont record

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Chapter 261 It's New Year's Eve again.

"Most of the time, it's the people's hearts that are in turmoil!" Ye Jin said, "Does Chief Xu want to choose Changzhou?"

Xu Zhouyun shook his head. He just thought it would be better to unify, but that didn't mean he would support Changzhou.

"If Mr. Gu is still alive, our southern base is more inclined to his views." Xu Zhouyun said: "No one in the country's top leadership will survive after the apocalypse. If Mr. Gu is alive, he is the most qualified. I came here because I want to Find out the situation at the capital base. The factions within the headquarters are too complicated."

Ye Jin was silent. She always felt that General Gu had little chance of surviving unless he had something that others wanted.

Ye Jin asked: "Are the people in the northwest base willing to obey the capital base?"

Xu Zhouyun nodded: "This is not only the northwest base, but also other small bases."

For those base commanders, who can be their own masters, who wants to be bondage.

"Captain Ye, I didn't get to see Admiral Gu this time, so I have to meet him next time. When you see him, remember to say hello for me."

Ye Jin said, "Okay."

After sending Xu Zhouyun away, Ye Jin also went I asked Lao Gao, and Lao Gao also said that he hadn't seen him in a long time.


Zhang Yue looked at the fiery sun in the sky and sighed: "Oh, won't there be winter in the future?"

This year has been a hot climate all year round, and it is already February, and it is still the same.

"Boss, Changzhou has been using us and Minister Li's people to steal tasks during this time." The fat man said, "Should we do it anyway?" "

As long as it doesn't harm anyone, just do it, and you don't have to be too careful." Ye Jin sighed. Changzhou's methods are really fast. After the auction, only half a month later, three more ministers were removed from the headquarters. One was due to dereliction of duty and two were assassinated!

"Boss, today is the New Year. Changzhou has sent Yu Ruanruan to distribute supplies again. Now Yu Ruanruan is highly praised by the people without special powers, and they believe in her words."

Changzhou's task for Wenxin Ning is to care for the people. , meticulous, giving whatever is needed, and brainwashing at the same time.

"Now the people at the lower level are holding Changzhou up, and some people are encouraging the selection of base directors, starting from the third outer line." "

Changzhou's ambitions have been made clear." Ye Jin sneered: "There are other things that are different. Will it happen?"

Changzhou sounds famous in the base. He is the one who knows how to move. The civilians without superpowers on the outer three lines can't decide too much. What really matters is the thoughts of the superpowers and other small factions on the inner three lines. He left There is still a long way to go to reach the sky in one step.

"Yes!" Fatty said, "There are more people missing from the outer third line."

Because Ye Jin had said that he would observe the movements of the underground people in Changzhou, Fatty found that the people from the outer third line praised him the most, so he kept a close eye on them.

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