Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I only own Rei and some of the other charachter.Other Naruto characters belong to Masashi kishimoto.

P.S. This whole book is under major edit...I know at some chapters at the end already says it's edited, but it's not...It's complicated. The edited chapters are the one who have that at the beggining of the chapter.


Third Person P.O.V.

"Come on in" An old man, sitting behind his table full of papers reacted on the knock on his door. "Lord Hokage we found this girl at the main gates this morning. And she wanted to speak with you." One of a guardians of Konoha said as he walked through the door, the old man, known as the Third Hokage looked up, seeing twelve year old child.

She had long blonde hair that in high ponytail with two shoulder-length bangs that framed both sides of her face. Under her eyes she had two red fangs that she got after her father. She had her black Leaf headband on her forehead. She wore green top with black bandages over her stomach with red shorts under her apron like green skirt with violet border that was longer at the back. On her hands she had red arm warmers. She also had typical black ninja sandals with her ninja pouch on her right thigh. She wasn't slim, more she was toned. Just from one look at her, the old Hokage could tell she is a ninja.

"Very well then. What is your name young lady? " Hokage asked the young child in front of him.

"I'm Rei my father told me to speak with you."The said girl, known as Rei replied.

"Is that so. May I asked who is your father?" Hokage said, his face showing that she only needed to confirm his assumptions.

" My father is Jiraiya and my mother is Tsunade Senju." Rei said.

"Well, it is a little surprising that they had a kid, but somehow I expected them to do so..."Old man Hokage started talking to himself as Rei nervously looked at him, the move Hokage clearly noticed.

"You don't have to be so nervous dear." He told her, Rei's body visibly relaxing.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama." She said, doing a little bow.

"Oh there is no need to that. Just call me Gramps like most of the kids in the village do."He said smiling at her.

Rei was relieved and got used to the Hokage's nickname right away. "Thanks gramps." She said with big grin on her face.

"But I would like to ask if I can stay in a village for some time." She requested, but Hokage didn't look surprised at her question at all as he merely chuckled. "Let me guess. Your father went out doing research."He stated, more then asked and Rei gave an annoyed look."Yes he did. He usually takes me with these too but he said this one will be too dangerous....He'll just probably go for women."She added quietly the last part.

"Yes you may stay in this village as long as you mean no harm. I will pay you for your apartment and essential needs. I'll have- " He started but was disturbed by a knock.

"Come in." He said and a young guy with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes entered. The guy was tall, about 6'4'' and he had a somewhat toned body, from what you could tell trough his baggy clothes. He was wearing a green vest that told Rei that he was either chunnin or jonnin, but from the chakra signature he was more of a chunnin.

"Lord Hokage everyone you summed is here and are ready to start the meeting." The young man told the Hokage who went back into his "serious mode" and responded. "Very well. I will be with you in five minutes. Please before you go send Kakashi in here." Young chunin bounded respectfully and went off.

A couple moments later a guy in his twenties with silver, gravity defying hair poofed in Hokage's office with transportation jutso. He was and odd character. The only thing visible was his right eye. His left one was covered with his Hidden Leaf headband and his face was covered with a mask, the same, blue color as the color of the headband. Rei figured out he is either incredibly beautiful, ugly or is insecure. The guy, Rei assumed as Kakashi bowed in front of the Hokage.

"You summened,Lord Hokage?" He asked the old man behind the table.

"Yes Kakashi I did. I would like you to show this young Rei around the village and help her found her apartment. Also show her where Academy is." The Hokage instructed as he stood up and closed up a few of his files.

"And Rei..." HE continued as he looked at the young girl. "I'm sure your abilities are at least chunnin level, but I will still put you on a genin squad with the rest of the graduated students, tomorrow. If that's fine with you, of course."

"Sure thing, Gramps!" Rei agreed with a large grin.

"Uh..Bye, bye!" She managed to shout before she was dragged out by the man known as Kakashi.

Rei's P.O.V.

I was walking down the street with this guy Kakashi. He was...odd, weird..However you wish, but I can't stop but to wonder what is behind hid mask.

"So, who are your parents if I may ask?" He said, trying to put on some conversation as he pulled out one of my father's pervy books.

I chuckled at that, saying" You're reading my father's books."

He looked at me with disbelieving, wide eyes. "Really? Your father is Master Jiraiya? Then who is your mother?" He looked at me. I was able to see who he was thinking. And he was right. After all I did looked exactly like my mother. "Yes, its true. And my mom is Tsunade Senju."

"Interesting. I didn't know they too had a child, but when you think about it it's not that surprising." He said and I sweat dropped. Why does everyone think this is not surprising? Well not everyone. Just two persons...

"Ok, here we are. Have a good day. Oh, and academy starts at eight o'clock. Don't be late." Kakashi said as we stopped in front of a dark brown wooden door, before he poofed away.

I looked around the apartment. It wasn't anything fancy or big. It had essential stuff. I walked through it and realized that he didn't gave me any money for any food. Thank god I wasn't that hungry. I could found a gambling place and try to get some money but I would lose even more money I didn't have. I got my gambling habits after my mother and my gambling skills are even worse than hers.


This is my first chapter and please if you like it vote and comment,if you don't like it then just don't read it.

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