Chapter 11

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Rei's P.O.V.

"What's up,old man!" I shouted as I barged in Hokage office and he just sighed with his pipe in his mouth.

You see,about three minutes ago an ANBU crossed my path and said that Hokage needs me. Pain in the ass really. I was just looking for a sensei,since Naruto is off with perverted Ebisu and Sasuke is training under Kakashi. So far I had no luck in finding anyone good enough to teach me. There were a couple of volunters,but I beeted up their butt,so they're not qualafield. Maybe I should just chill for the next month.

"Well Rei as I intendened to say before you kicked my doors out the frames." He said and gave me a stern look,but I just scoffed.

It's true. I may be polite when I first see you,but later I can get really homely...(If thats even a word).

"I would like to train you for the third stage of the chunin exams." He said and I swear my eyes left my skull.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN A WHAT NOW!" I screamed,making a few ANBUs show up to see if I'm 'killing' the Hokage.

After the Hokage told them he is completly alright I continued.

"Wouldn't be a little unfair if the Hokage would train me?" I asked him with my arms closed in front of my chest.

"That's exacly why no one can knows." He calmly repeted,making me rose my eyebrow and smirk.

"Oh,so the all mighty Hokage is going a bad grandpa now,huh?" I asked him in mocking tone and his eyebrow twitched.

"I just want to teach you a technique that no one else alive has mastered." He said,making me a bit more excited. Dangerous. Total my thing.

"What kind of technique?" I asked excitedly as I sat on his table. I know,perverted. But I was really lazy and tired,so....nah.

"It's called Flying Thunder God technique. It was originaly the Second Hokage jutsu,but also past down over to the Fourth Hokage. You'll be the third person to ever learn and masters it." He calmly says and hands me some scrolls,which I quess are about the Flying God technique.

"How are you so sure I can master it?" I asked Gramps.

"I know you can,Rei." He said and gave me a smile. "Now,fell confretable to find a good chair or something and you can start learning the basics,here in my office.

I gave him a quick nodd. "Yes,Hiruzen-sensei." I said and pulled out my summening scroll and summoned a comfy chair,a table and a fridge!

Hokage gave me the 'really' look,but didn't say anything so I went up the fridge,pulled out an apple and then sat on the chair as I started reading.

'The Flying Thunder God Technique is a Space-Time Ninjutsu created by the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju,which allows the user to instantaneously transport themselves to a previously marked location.

To activate this technique, the user places a special seal or "technique formula" to mark an intended destination. After this is done, they can at will enter a dimensional void that instantaneously transports them to the location of the seal. The mark can be applied to almost any area through brief physical contact, including an opponent or other surrounding feature. Because this technique is able to affect anything that is in contact with the user or somehow connected to their chakra,they can also use this technique to teleport other objects or people, though the size of the object dictates the amount of chakra required.As Minato also noted, the marking formula never disappears from a marked target.'

I contined on reading for hours,untill I finally went up to my first step and started creating my seal.

I opened up more books about sels and Uzumaki clan,since they were experienced with seals and start to work on it.

~6 hours later~

"I finally did it." I said in disbelief as I stared down at the paper with seal. I sent the chakra trough the seal obe more time and it worked.

Well,of curse I didn't teleport,but I knew it was right because of the chakra. You see this seal is not perfect untill its chakra can flow trough it completly.

"I did it!" I shouted again,waking up Gramps,who was sleeping on his chair for three hours and making him fall off his chair.

I would so laugh right now,but I couldn't stop staring at the paper,grining like an idiot.

"Well done,Rei. I knew you were in for it." Hokage said and I looked up to him,seeing him give me a smile. I smilled back and bowed to him. "Thank you for beliveing in me." I calmly said and he chuckled.

"Now child I think you should rest for a while and we'll continued on tomorow.

"M'kay." I said as I put my fridge,table and a chair back into the scrolls and pulled out another scroll that summened my bed.

I slowly laid down and drifted off to sleep.

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