Chapter 9

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Rei's P.O.V.

"Amazing." I said as we came to some weird forest. It looked very dark but still beautiful.

"Well this amazing thing is forest of Death." Anko said from behind me.

"Now it sounds even more cool." I said and she only smiled at me. She knew I loved forest and danger. These two combined is my living dream of unicorns. 

"Ok! Listen here everybody!" She shouted to people. "This is location for the second phase of the exam. Its training zone 44,but we call it Forest of Death." Anko said and I looked over to Naruto who looked freaked out. I only smirked at this.

"F-Forest of Death?" He asked and then a square rock came toward him. Naruto looked down of it annoyed and start walking away,only to have a rock follow him. I almost bursted out laughing. Over the time he started running but when the rock still didn't stop he turned around and pointed finger at it.

"Thats the worst disguise of disguises! There is no such thing as square rock! Its completly obvious! Belive it!" He said and then the box said.

"You're slip boss,just what I'd except from my greatest rival!" And then the box exploded and after the smoke cleared there were all Udon,Moegi and Konohamaru in weird positions and they started to intruduce themselfs again. I couldn't hold it anymore so I burst out,laughing.

"Yea I knew it was you guys the whole time. What do you luzers want.I'm getting ready for the second phase of the chunin exams. I don't have any time to play around with you guys." Naruto asked,pretending to be cool.

"We didn't come to play around boss! We're on official mission!" Konahamoru yelled.

"Yea thats right! We're here for an exclusive interview!" Moegi argued.

"What interview." I asked,making shore I sounded as annoyed as possible.

"For our school news!We have to write all about the chunnin selection exam!" Konohamoru said.

"So that's why we want an inteterview with you. Please tell us you're gonna do it." Moegi begged and Udon just nodded.

"Yea but right now." Naruto coplained and I saw Anko walking towards us.

"Hey you over there! What are you doing you're holding up the exams." She said and stopped in front of Konohamoru squad,team seven and next to me.

"I'm sorry,but Konohamoru was telling me something about an interview for Academy news paper." Naruto returned.

"Oh right! I forgot alll about it!" Anko apologized and rubed the back of her neck in emberessment.

"I'm sure you did." I calmly said and she glared at me,then she turned again to all the genins.

"All right we're taking ten minutes break for interviews. Please be respectful to those in the Academy news paper!" She said and then I turned to Konohamoru who started screaming to Udon and Moegi.

"Udon,Moegi spread out and interview as much people as you can!" He said and Moegi and Udon saluted ant then went to interview people as Konohamoru interviewed Naruto. I zoned out until Konohamoru walked up to me.

"Hey Rei,can I interviw you'"

"Why?" I asked,showing that I'm not interested.

"Well you seem pretty cool." I smiled a little.

"No thank you." I said and hoped he would just go away.

"But come on! I need and interview of Naruto's girlfried!" He said and my smile was replaced with vein.

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