Chapter 7

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I'm sorry for not uplodating yesterday but I had problems with internet. I hope you like this.

Rei's P.O.V.

"Sakura,Naruto....Duck butt!" I shouted as I runed towards them to the academy. They all greeted me with smile,only duck butt 'hn' at me and glared.

"Nice to see you too Sasuke. Let's go!" I said. I was feeling reather good today.

We made it up to second floor only to see a wide bunch of people standing in front of class 2b only now it was under a genjutsu and it said 3c.

"Let us trough!" A girl with brown hairs and eyes said.

"Just drop the genjutsu." I said annoyed.

"Bt how did you-" one of the boys asked but Sasuke interfiered.

"We saw it the first thing we made it up here. Right Sakura?" He looked at Sakura who was now confused.

"You must of saw it before anyone else. You have the sharpest mind." She now said that she saw it first thing she came up but I saw in her eyes thats not true,but saw that Sasuke was just boosting up her confidence.

One of the boys then trew an insolt to Sasuke who held up his leg to kick him just as well as the other boy but just before they could collaped a boy with green jumpsuit and HUGE eyebrows got between and held their legs. Strong one.

"Lee what are you doing? You were the one who said not to revieve our powers to anyone." Guy with Hyuga eyes and long brown hair spoke on.

"Yes. I'm sorry Neji but I just couldn't watch two young youths to fight." Guy who was apparently Lee said. After that I just sterted to walk away and others followed me soon after that.

We stopped again on long hall as Lee came to us.

"You are Sasuke Uchiha right? I challange you to a duel!"

"You challange me knowing I'man Uchiha? Pathetic." Sasuke remarked back.

He said and then they started to battle and I just zooned out. The next thing I saw how Sasuke was just about to be beaten up as a GIANT TORTULE apoeared!?
"What the heck." I said as I watched in shock with others as Lee spoke to that tortule. Well one minute he was talking to tortule and on just minute later an older version of Lee appeared?! I couldn't speak as I just watched in shock and my jaw on the flor.

"What's going on Lee? You can' just use forbidden jutso as you want!" The big replica of Lee said.

"Yes sensei! I'm deaply sorry!" Lee cried out.

"Don't you worry Lee! But I must punish you. Five hundred laps around the village and I'll go with you as I'm partly responsible as your sensei!"He said and started crying.

"Thank you Guy sensei!" They were now both holding hands,crying.

"He can't run five hundred laps!" Naruto yelled at them.

"That's right. Make that five thousand!" He said and our jaws dropped down to the ground.

"He can't run five thousand either. We have chunin exams in ten minutes." I said annoyingly.

"Oh right. Hey! You're Kakashi's team right?" He asked and we nodded.

"How do ya know Kakashi sensei?!" Does Naruto have to shout?

"Well people call us etarnal rivals. With 50 wins and 49 loses."He said. Now thats a suprise.

"There is no way that this guy could beat Kakashi?!" Naruto said and looked at us for support.

"Do not make fun out of Guy sensei!" Lee complained.

"It's all right Lee. We have to go now! Say Kakashi hey for me! Now Lee we have to go to your teamates to embrace another part of youth!" Gai shouted.

"Yes gai sensei!" He said and they dissapeared.

"Nice bunch are they." I said as I got the idea.

"Okey my fellow youths,follow the path of youth so we can get to our finnal youth!" I say and they all grew an anime vein. I then burst out of laughing. I'm gonna mess up with Kakashi too.

"Hello my wonderful youthful sensei!" I shout at Kakashi and he glance at me as I again burst out of laughing."Haha Kakashi you are soo youthfull haha!" I clunch my stomach and roll down the floor still laughing.

"Okey let's move on." I stand up and look at Kakashi seriusly.

"It's not over my youthfull sensei." I say but can't keep for long as I start laughing again.

"Okey. So I see Sakura I came." Sakura now looked at her confused."If you weren't here your teamates couldn't go trough this door,because every team is made of three man squad." Now I first coufed myself out.

"Three man?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Right. Rei you'll enter the exams on your own. But don't forget you're still part of team seven." He says and I put on my serious look.

"What's wrong." He asked me.

"Hmm...Youthfull!!" I screamed out and they grew an anime vain and Naruto shouts in suprise.

"What the hell was that for?! You scared me to death! Do you want that youth to kill me?!"He yelled and I punched him on the head.

"No. That's my team name!" Now they looked at me like I just run out of building for crazy people.

"Okey." Kakashi broke the long awkard silence. "Just go in and give it your best!" He says and gives us thumbs up.

"Yes Kakashi sensei!" We all say and then we walk trough the door room.

I hope you like that. In next chap there will be a couple of Kiba and Rei's moments. So yeah.
I also wanna tell you thar I deaply and really apreciate your support such as comments,votes even reads. And thank you again SaraQueenOfTheGeeks for a mesage and giving me just the words I needed so I didn't gave up on the story. So yeah thank you.


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