Chapter 17

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"Are you okay?" He asks in concern and all i can do is nodd,not trusting my voice.

His eyes gleam over my lips and he slowly leans in.


Is he.....Going to kiss me?



Do I?-

I mean-

" Yes!" A voice in myhead says.

It's right.

I like Kiba Inuzuka.

Rei's P.O.V.

I slowly lean in as we kiss.

It was both of ours first kiss and it wasn't perfect like the describe in books in movies. Not at all. But the moment. That was perfect.

His lips were soft and warm and they felt like they were on fire. I wanted to faint on the spot.

The kiss ended and he held my face nicely while I stood there looking like an idiott.

"I'm good,aren't I?" His cocky remark rueined the moment.

I smacked his arm,while I hid my blush.

I felt a bit different. Stronger,but weaker at the same time.

I started walking back to Miss Mina house and I hered Kiba doing the same.

When we got there Miss Mina awaited us at the doorstep,looking very nervous.

"Hello Miss Mina. Is everything ok?" I ask her and she nodds as she snifs the air.

"You kissed." She states.

"Wh-What a-are you tal-talking abou-about?!" I stuttered out like Hinata-chan does around Naruto,while madly blushing.

Out of the corner of my eyes I see Kiba grinning there like a mad man. That idiot.

Miss Mina just smiled and shook her head,but seemed to remember what she was doing and became nervous again.

"Is everything ok?" I ask her in confusion.

She only nodds and look us dead in the eyes.

"We need to talk."


"Ok. I need to explain some thing,but you can't start talking until I tell you. Ok?!"She sternly asks.

After saying we need to talk she quided us to the living room. She sent the kids over to some friends so we were the only ones in the house.

"Okay." I nsaid as I locked my eyes with Kiba. It was the first time I fully looked at him after the kiss and at that moment I felt something between us. I'm not exacly sure what it is. It wasn't strong,but it was still there.

"What do you want to tell us,Miss Mina'" Kiba asks her.

"Oh,right." She exhaled.

"Well this will be a bit shocking,but try and stay open minded. Okay?" She seriously asks and we both nodd.

"As you already know this village is called The Wolf Village. And it didn't get its name from nothing. It's believed that the Wolf Villlage got it's name from our ancestors,Wolfs. That is the reson why we have better hearing,smell,taste.... we also have the gift of comunicating with Wolfs,like the Inuzuka can talk to dogs." She said.

"Over the years alot of people left the main village and so alot of differend side branches were created,but most of them lost their connection to the wolfs or their capabilities were shortened. Like the Inuzuka clan." She sent a pointed look over to Kiba.

"Wait?! So we were once part of the Wolf village?!" Kiba semi shouted at her and Miss Mina nodded.

"Miss Mina with all respect. Why are you telling us the village history?" I ask.

"The history is not important. Only for you to understand the connection of the Inuzukas with the wolf village." She said.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Because there is a very popular thing here that was probably passed down to Inuzukas as well." She said confusing both of us.

"What thing?" Kiba asked.

"The thing called Mating." She said and my eyes widened along with Kibas. "Do you two know anything about it?" She asked and I shrugged.

"All I know that mates are soulmets,or two people made for each other,but that's it." I said.

"Oh,there's alot more to it." Kiba said and I got confused.

"Everyone in our clan learns about it even though it rearly happens. It's like one person on ten years,that gets mated." Kiba tells me.

"So there's more to it?" I ask.

"Yes." Miss Mina ended our little conversation. "I believe Kiba probably already knows all that is to it.....I'm not suprised that the outsiders don't know much about it." She shrugged and I was a little offended about her calling me an outsider.

"Yes,I know alot." Kiba shrugged with smug look min his face and which I scoffed at. "But Miss Mina why are you telling us this?" He asked.


You two are mates." She finished.

But it can't be true. There is no way I'm the supposed 'soulmate' for Kiba. For that stupid mutt who's carrying his dog on his head all the time. It's imposible. I mean. I HATE him!

Or do I?

Kiba's P.O.V.

"Kiba,Rei....You two are mates." Miss Mina finished making my jaw hit the floor. Yes I like her,but I never imagined her being my other half.

She hates me.

But she kissed me....

Does she like me?

Wait? Kiss!

That's the first mating step! OMG!

I looked at Rei and she was in deep though. "Rei..." I called her with shaky voice that threw her out of her thinking as she started to move away from me as far as possible.

"The kiss....." I continued. "It was the first mating step." I said and she looked at me whith wide,scared eyes.

She tried to get away,but she was sitting on a chair which made her fall on the floor. I stood up to help her but she was already back on her feet,getting away from me.

It was so obvious.

She was scared.

"J-JUST ST-STAY AW-AWA-AWAY FROM M-ME!!!" She screamed and I took a step back out of suprise. There was so much hate and anger in her voice. But that didn't make me step back. It was the scared tone of her voice.

"Rei..." I said softly but her eyes only widened and I swear I saw tears in her eyes as she ran out of the house.

"REI!!" I shouted,but it was no use.

She already slamed the door. 

Hella guys!! I'm so sorry for not uplodating for two or three weeks...I'm not sure....But here it is! Anyone quessed this would happen? Even I didn't know till like 13 chapter,where I decided to re watch Teen Wolf and I read some fanfic so it just gave me an idea! 

I really hope you enyoyed this chapter! Other that that I wish you Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Have fun,everybody!

WOLF MATE (Tsunade's and Jiraiya's Daughter)[KIBA LOVE STORY]Where stories live. Discover now