Chapter 14

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Rei's P.O.V.

I awed as I stood in front of the big gates of the Wolf village.Yes. They were smaller then the ones in the Leaf,but they were in a shape of a wolf head. So cute! And scary! It looked so real and his mouth were wide open,making it look like it's going to eat us.

Kurenai-sensei walked to the front and knocked on the doors three times.

As the doors opened I gasped as I saw the village. It. Was. Amazing. The first thing you saw was the waterfall that was falling down the mountain,that surrounded the East side of the village. It wasn't a big village,but every house had a tall and sharp roof. The temparature here was a little lover than usuall,but at the moment I didn't care.

"It's beautiful,isn't it." I felt a warm breath,whisper in my ear. I unvoluntarily shivered and blushed,but covred it up quickly.

"Yeah." I breathed out and turned around with my best glare,shooting daggers all over Kiba. As I turneed around his face was mere inches frfom mine. I onc e again blushed,but this time I wasn't quick enough to covere it up. Kiba chuckled,and just as I went over to punch him a voice stopped me.

"Ah,young love." Some old man said as he stared at me and Kiba. I once again blushed. Wait! Why the bloody hell am I blushing!? There is something seriously wrong with this place!

"We're not in love!" I screamed,but the old man just smiled,like he knows something no one else does. What the hell is with his guy?!

"Yeah,she can only wish." Kiba tried to get us out as well.

"How the hell is that helping to the sutiation!" I screamed,but he just shrugged.

I growled and turned away as Kurenai started to talk to the old man,who is the leader of this village.

"We're from the Leaf village,and we're here to offer a peace treatry and to discuss some things." Kurenai states and the old man nodds,with a small smile,telling us to follow him. He's much like Hokage.

"This village was originaly created by first Lupikage,that's what our leader is called. It was about the same time other villages were created,only slightly earlier,since I'm already the fift Lupikage of the village." He started to tell Kurenai their history as we walked towards the biggest building,probably his office.

I looked around and this village was so weird. Their cloathing were so weird. Kids were playing around,stopping and giving us curious looks since we were the first outsiders. The women looked at us corious and then a big smile got on their faces and they started to gossip as they point to me and to Kiba and then they start to squil. What. The. Bloody. Hell. Is with this place? It's like they're making me and Kiba a super cute couple....Wait,what?

"Where are we going to stay,sir Lupikage?" I heared Kurenai asked asy we all looked at her and the old man.

"You'll be staying at one of the houses with a family with two kids. We don't have hotels here,since we never thoughed that we would meet any outsiders." Old man Lupi said as he leed us to the house and knocked on it.

The door opened to reveal a woman in her late twenties with a burned pan in her arms and her hair sticking out every where. Behind her there were two kids. A boy and a girl in about the age of five. The woman looked mad,but her expression changed,once she saw us. The old man chuckled at her,making her glare at him.

"Miss Mina,I would like to ask you if our visitors could stay with you for a couple of days,untill they return back to their home village?" Old Lupi asked her and women seemed to be debating whether of not or let us stay here,since she kept glancing between her kids,the pan in her arms and us.

She let out a long sigh but still smiled and nodded. "Thank you,Mina. I can assure you there won't be any problems with them." Old man said to her but she only shaked her head.

"I'm not worried about that. I'm worried if they're going to be okay." She said as she sent a small glare to her children. Lupikage just chuckled and this Mina girl just glared at him. "You really think that's funny." She said and he just shook his head,smile still present on his face. The girl then looked to us. First she looked us all over and then she looked back at me and Kiba. And again to me and back to Kiba. What the-?

I couldn't even finished my thoughs as the girl started squiling and then looked over to old man. "Do they know?" She asked and the Lupikage shook his head in amusement as Mina became a little depressed. All this while we watched them with uter confusion. What does she mean if we know?Know what?

"Well,all no good." She said making me confused again. What is with this people? "My name is Mina Kadrowshi,but call mi Miss Mina or just Mina. And this are my kids,Clary and Denis. They're twins. I also have a husband,who won't came back from work till this evening." She added out all energetic,sticking out a hand to shake.

Kurenai shook her hand as she started to introduce us. " Hello miss Mina,I'm Kurenai Yuhi and this are my students Kiba Inuzuka,Hinata Hyuga and Shino Aburame." She said as she pointed over to every one and then next she pointed over at me. "And this is Rei Senju. She is not originaly on our team,but she was added to come with us on this mission." She said and the lady smiled a big smile.

"Well welcome. Upstairs we have only tree quest rooms,so sorry,I think you're going to have to share." She said and gave us all an apologetic look.

"That's no problem Miss Mina,me and Hinata can share one bedroom." Kurenai said and gave me an apologetic look,but I shook it off,since I know Hinata wouldn't be comfretable to sleep with either guys.

"I sleep alone." Shino stated as he went up into one of the rooms.

The lady looked over to me and Kiba. It took me a little but when I realized I started to protest. "What? No way in hell I'm spending a night in the same room as him!" I exlaimed as I pointed a finger to Kiba.

"Come on,beauty. I'm not that bad. Am I?" Kiba said in my ears all of the sudden,making me jump away and shiver at his breath.

"No you're worse." I said as I glared and he just winked at me. I looked over to Miss Mina with pleading eyes,but she was just smilling with a knowing look.

"You don't have a choice,Rei. And plus we don't want to cause Miss Mina more problems then we already are?" Kurenai pointed out with a stern look. God,sometimes I really don't like this women.

"Fine." I grumbled,but deep inside. Okay,deep,deep,deep inside I felt happy. I don't know why and how.....But it's like this place is intensifying some of the things that we normaly don't feel.

I shook off the feeling,since I was tired and decided to ask Miss Mina about her odd look and talking in the morning.

"Well good night then." I said as I yawned.

"Good night." Kiba said as well. 

WOLF MATE (Tsunade's and Jiraiya's Daughter)[KIBA LOVE STORY]Where stories live. Discover now