Chapter 16

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Rei's P.O.V.

"Rei-chan,wait up!" I heared from behind me and I turned around to see Kiba a light smile appeared on my face,but then I blushed once I realized what Miss Mina just told me a couple of minutes ago.

"Rei-chan don't say I make you blush." Kiba teased me and I blushed even more.

"N-No I'm not you stupuid mutt." I rtied to defend myself and offend him,but he only shook his head,chuckled and started to walk forward.

I stood there like and idiot untill Kiba stopped ant turned his head in my direction. "You coming?" He asked me and I blushed,but nodded and run over to his head.

"Where are we going?" I asked him after a few minutes of walking.

"I'm Very hungry so we're going to find a place to eat." He put empesises on 'very' so I rolled my eyes,but didn't object.

"What about Shino,Hinata-chan und Kurenai-sensei?" I ask him.

"Kurenai-sensei and Shino have to do something for the old man and Hinata decided to go training." Kiba shrugged.

"And you didn't think of giving some company to the Hinata-chan!" I said as I lightly punched him on the head.

"Ow!" He whined. "And I did ask her,but she said that I should ask you." He said.

"Really?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes!" He said loudly.

"Good." I said and we both started walking.

Miss Mina's P.O.V.

I heared a knock on my door so I put down the pan,I was still trying to clean,down and went to answer the door.

"Lord Lupikage." I exclaimed once I saw the person in front of me.

"Miss Mina I believe the talk is in order." He said serious.

I nodded and opened the door wider and let him in. "This is about the children. Isn't it?" I asked him.

"Let's talk in the living room."He said and I nodded.

He went to the living room since he already knows where it is,while I went to the kitchen and made the both of us some tea.

"Here you go,sir."I said politly and handed him the tea cup.

"Thank you Miss Mina." He replied and took another sip of his tea.

"I see you were able to sense it." He spoke after a few minutes of silance.

"No offense,but I think everyone but the kids noticed it." I said with a giggle and he soon joined me.

"But what I'm wondering is how? Neither of them are from our village." I said with confusion.

"Yes,but there are cases where people like that are out of our village as well. " He said and my eyes widened in shock.

"Really?!" I ask loudly and he nodds.

"Yes,but it's rare,even rarer meeting themselfs. I did my reasearch. He's from the Inuzuka clan. The clan that has his dogs as partners. It's pretty close to us." The Old man Lupikage explained to me.

"Yes." I nodded. "It would also seen that this place is having an effect on them."

"So it seems." Lupikage said as he thought about it hard.

"Should we tell them?" I speak the question in both of our minds.

"It would be smart."He answered after a few minutes of thinking.

"Then I shall tell them?" I ask him and he nodds.

Rei's P.O.V.

"So,Kiba..." I say to the man next to me as we're walking back to Miss Mina's place.

It was quite fun today.I spent the entire day with Kiba and it was pretty fun. He still had his stupid arrogant moments where I had to punch him,but it was still fun even trough his constant flirting.

And he got me ice cream! I love ice cream!

"How is that you can be ACTULY nice,when you're most of the time an arrogant jerk?" I asked him with a tilt of my head.

"You think I'm nice,hmm." He wiggled his eyebrows and I sweatdropped.

"Kiba. Please. Never do that again." I growled at him and he bust out laughing.

"Ow." I say as I trip over the rope hidden in thr dirt.

I close my eyes and put my hands in front of me,embracing myself for the fall,but it never gets there.

Insted of that I feel strong and muscular arms wrap around my waist,holding me up.

I open up my eyes to look into beautiful brown ones.

"Are you okay?" Kiba asks me and all I can do is nodd.

His eyes gleam over my lips and he slowly leans in.


Is he going to kiss me?



Do I-?

I mean.-?

'YES!' A voice in my head screams. And it's right.

I like Kiba Inuzuka.

I know it's short but this is only like a filler chapter! See ya next week!

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