Chapter 10

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Rei's P.O.V.

"Hey! You guys made it!" I shouted to Kiba,Hinata and Shino as they entered the tower.

"Of curse we did,beautiful!" Kiba said back and I blushed,but quickly hide it.

Why do I act like this?

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that! Idiot!" I shouted as I punched him and sent him trough three walls.

"Ow! Beautiful what do you think you're doing! That hurts!" He shouted back.

"He's just asking for it,doesn't he." I muttered to me,my fist dangerously in front of my face with killing aura around me.

"R-Rei chan,I'm shore kiba didn't mean a-anyithing bad. Ple-Please forgive him." Hinata said and helped Kiba.

"Fine." I said and went away.


"Oh! Oh! And then I passed out and Sakura-chan helped me and Sasuke teme and took care of us!" Naruto finnaly finished the story,after at least half an hour.

"So you basicly fought this evil pedo snake,who gave Sasuke a hickey,telling him about how much his body is perfect for him." I said and raised an eyebrow. "Wow,world these days is pretty weird." I said and just at that time Anko said for everyone to get to the center of the tower.

"Well,let's go." I told them and walked out behind Sasuke.

Will he be able to fight? From what mom told me curses are very hard to control. And snake pedo could only mean Orochimaru. What does he want now? Leaf destruction? No. It's more then that. Sasuke. Why him? This is confusing. Wait! Maybe...

"Ok,congratiolations for getting trogh the second part of the exam." Hokage said and after that I just zoned out.

"Hey,Rei chan! Let's go up there!" Naruto said and pulled me out of my trance.

"Huh,what?" I said and Naruto sweatdroped.

"You didn't listen,did you?" He asked.

"Umm,listen to..?" I said unsure.

"Anyway...We basicly have to fight prelimiralies before the third stage. They said it was something with too many people." Naruto said and I smiled.

"Oh,thank you!" I said and looked around,only to see Sasuke and Kakashi with some sound ninja. "Who's fighting?"

"Sasuke and some sand ninja." He said and dragged me on the balcony.

~Time skip~[sorry,but I'm lazy]

I stood up and went down to the arena as I was next. And the last one! Ugh!

"Are you ready?" Proctor asked us and we nodded. "Ok. Start." He said and jumped back as I hit the floor making it tremble and the weird guy with neon red hair. Who does even have a hair like that! Well that redie guy jumped up and I kicked him in the stomach,making him fly in the wall.

"Are you serious a ninja?" I asked him as he shakily stood up. This guy was weak. And I was bored.

"Lets end this,shall we?" I said and used my speed to get behind him,then kicked the preasure point in his neck,making him faint.

"What a girl." I told to him as I went to stood next to the proctor.

"Rei Senju wins!" He said.

I know this is like super short,but I'm so lazy right now. I promise I the next chapter will be longer. Vote,comment,follow! Please!

WOLF MATE (Tsunade's and Jiraiya's Daughter)[KIBA LOVE STORY]Where stories live. Discover now