Chapter 18

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~Big time skip~

Third person's P.O.V.

"So how did the mission go?" The third Hokage asked the five shinobi infront of him.

"I-It went g-great,Ho-Hokage-sama."  Hyuga girl answered.

The Hokage nodded but then turned his look over to the curly blonde haired kunoichi who was quiet the entire time. This was highly unusual for the said girl as she always talked or had a snarky remark.

After he slightly observed her his look went over to the dark haired shinobi with white puppy,Akamaru in his hands. He as well was very quiet.

Nothing seemed to right. The Hokage knew something must of happen.

"The mission was a succes. The Wolf Village gladly took in the peace treatery and offered help in battle if needed." The red eyed sensei said.

"Very well..." The Hokage drifted of his glance skipping between Rei and Kiba.

"The details are in my report." Kurenai-sensei answered to the unspoked question that was inside the Hokage's head.

"Very well...You may leave." Old Man Hiruzen said and Shino,Kurenai and Hinata bowed to him one last time as they left his office.

"May I go back to my training,Hiruzen-sensei?" Blonde girl under the name of Rei quietly asked the Hokage. All to quietly for his account. He wasn't used to this so he hated to see Rei in this way.

"Okay Rei...What happened on the mission?" Hokage asked.

Rei's eyes widend before a soft laugh left her mouth. She knew she couldn't fool him. He's the Old man Hokage after all.

"Nothing gets past you. Does it?" She softly asks,her smile still present on her face.

"It's really not that hard to notice a VERY talkalative girl being completly quiet." He said exposing the very part.

"Yeah,well....." She said as her smile disapeared once again and her eyes drifted away. The Hokage noticed the different expresion on her face so his eyes softened.

"Please Rei tell me. I'm the Hokage as well as you're sense. And frankly I really do see you as my granddaughter. You can trust me." He softly said and Rei's eyes widened once again as tears of happines gathered in them and slowly started to drift down her face.

She always saw him as her granddad. He was just that type of material. But not even in her wildest dreams Rei would of quessed he felt the same. She was just very happy at that moment so she ran over to him and hugged him,almost pushing him of his chair.

The Hokage went over the slight shock,but quickly recovered as he wrapped his arms around her torso.

"Kiba and I.....We're mates." Rei slowly and very quietly whispered after moments of happines. It was so quiet the Old Man had to strain his ears to hear it,but he did. His body went completly stiff and he tensed. He couldn't believe that this could be true.

He was very happy for them,but he was able to hear it in Rei's voice that she doesn't exacly loves the idea of being Kiba's mate.

Rei's P.O.V.

"So what are you going to do."Old man Hokage asked me and I pulled away from the hug.

I opened my mouth to speak,but nothing came out. In reality I had no idea what I'm supposed to do. Was I suppose to go to Kiba,be his girlfriend and be happy or should I just ignored the mission in the Land of Wolfs.

In truth I don't know much about this whole mate stuf. What kind of things are required to do? And what are all the stages?

I need to learn more about all of this.

"I'm not sure yet. All I know now is that I need to focus on mastering the thounder god technique."I shrugged and the Hokage nodded.

"Right. You already made the seal right?" He asked and I gave him a nodd.

"Now all that's left is for you to practise so you'll get faster." He said and went back behind his table.

"Right,Old Man!" I shouted.

"Alright....Now get out of my office I have paper work to do!" He shouted with a glare to me,but a smile on his face betrayed him.

"Right old man!" I shouted and teleported myself on the training grounds where I started to practise The Flying Raijin Jutsu. 



I know I only uplodated like yesterday and that it's new for me to uplodate so quickly,but I just had to!! 

As you saw I renamed the book into WOLF MATE and I changed my cover photo..

I made myself that cover photo and I'm really proud of it! It took me like 10 apps till I downlanded the right one and I was SOOOOOOOOOOO happy!

Anyway. This is 18 chapter there will be only five more chapters so we're getting to the end. I already have written chapter 19,20 anh half of the chapter 21 so it's gonna go!! 

Also in this chapter I kind of tried out the new style of writting as you may noticed. Please tell me your thinking on that as well and maby I'll edit the other chapters in the same way!!

Uh,one more thing....................


For the first time in my life I'm gonna do dango and eat it!!

WOLF MATE (Tsunade's and Jiraiya's Daughter)[KIBA LOVE STORY]Where stories live. Discover now