Chapter 21

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Third person's P.O.V.

"Lord First......

Lord second....."

"I'm screwed!!" Rei shouted and frustretly threw her hands in the air,which made the first Hokage roar in laughter while the Second Hokage only raised an eyebrow.

But this girl sure was different. All of the previous people they had to fight in this cruel battle agains their own people ran away before the fight even began,but this girl...

"Hey that's not funny Lord First!! I really am screwed!! I'm going again BOTH First and Second Hokage!!" She said as the First Hokage wiped a tear of his face.

"I like ya kid...Who are you?" The First Hokage,Hashirama Senju asked her.

"...Rei Senju..." Rei answered after some hasitation.

"A Senju,huh!" Hashirama-sama stated while Second Hokage,Tobirama got a smirk on his face.

'Just as expected. A Senju never runs from the fight.' Tobirama-sama thoughed as he watch with a slight sweatdrop as girl made a tantrum about fighting them.

"Any relation to us?" Hashirama-san asked her.

"You're my Grand grand father.....or something like that..." Rei said,confusing herself.

"WE'RE THAT IN FRONT OF TIME!?!" Hashirama-san shouted and Rei nodded.

"Big brother please calm down...we need to analyse the condition." Tobirama-san calmed down his brother.

"Girl tell us what's going on." He demanded and the 'girl' got a sweatdrop on her head.

"The said girl has a name..." She mumbled before she went into her serious mode.

"You were broughed back to life by Edo Tensei jutsu that was most likely casted by Orochimaru....He's an evil guy that wants to destroy Konoha for years." She said the last part with an eye roll.

"Right now that's what he's doing.... He tricked the Sound and the sand to do the same since he disquesed himself as the forth Kazekage. Right now he's fighting Lord Third in some kind of barrier to the East of here."

"There is also a kid from the sand that's in the middle of relesing the One Tailed Beast out,but he's already being persueded by the Leaf shinobi and they're probably already away from the village."

"Other then that the Leaf shinobi's are fighting enemies and some like me went around to help the civillians get to safty." I finished.

"Alright...Unfortunatly we don't control our movements so we can't garante we won't hurt you." Tobirama-san said to the girl who shrugged.

"So...It's life. In life you get beaten down and while you're still down you get even more beaten,but you still have to stand up to continue. That's the life of a shinobi." Rei said remembering her chunin fight.

"Look....It's the best if you just run..." Hashirama-san trailed off.

In truth they both wanted her to leave but at the same time they were testing her. They wanted do see what Leaf shinobi were made this day.

"No way I'M NOT RUNNING AWAY!! OR BACKING AWAY!! I'M NOT A COWARD!! THAT'S MY NINJA WAY!!!" She screamed at the Hokage's who only smirked.

Suddently the First Hokage dashed forward with a kunai in his hands. Rei blocked it with her own kunai and while she had the chance she quickly put the Flying Raijin mark on him,the action that didn't go unnoticed by the second hokage.

WOLF MATE (Tsunade's and Jiraiya's Daughter)[KIBA LOVE STORY]Where stories live. Discover now