Chapter 8

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Rei's P.O.V.

We walked in the room full of ninjas. Wow. I mean I always knew alot of people want to be a chunin but I didn't knew there was so many if them.

 And they were all like watching us.

"What's this." Naruto said a bit of while Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

"Geez I g-guess we're not alone." Sakura said all freaked out. Well I couldn't blame her she was pretty un-skilled.

"Guys cheer up,you are at least together in this. I'm alone." I said,but that seemed to freak them out even more.

"Oh right. I forgot. Sorry." Sakura mumbled.

We were all staring at them and they were staring at us until a voice called out.

"Sasuke where you've been." I quickly looked over to Sasuke to see him being hugged by some blonde girl. I laughed at his expression. It was priceless.

"Boy you've had no idea how much I was hopping you would come." She said and then Sakura freaked out.

"Hey you porker back off he's mine!" Blonde girl then let go of Sasuke and started arguing with Sakura.

"Miss forhead they let you in. Still got those big frowns on that big forhead I see." She said.

"Leave my forhead out of this!" Sakura screamed and blonde one shoved tounge to Sakura. I then turned to Naruto.

"Hey who's the blonde one?" I asked.

"She's Ino Yamanaka. One of Sasuke fangirls. And very annoying" He said and I nodded. Yamanaka,brain transforming clan or whatever.

Sakura and Ino started glaring at each other and then a guy with pinneable hair and some fat one came in the view.

"It's you guys. I knew this was going to be a drag but I didn't know it was going to be this lame." A guy with pinapple head said and I gave Naruto a look.

"Oh right. Guys this is Rei." He said and pointed at me. I waved hi. " Rei this is Shikamaru Nara. He is always complaining but does nothing about it. The laziest kid at the academy." I waved at Shikamaru who just said what a drag. He then pointed to the fat one. " This is Choji Akimichi. I think he would eat his own head if he could." He whispered the last part so Choji wouldn't hear him. I chuckled and waved at Choji who just smiled at me and then continued eating.

"Well,well what do you know. It looks like all ten rookies are here." I turned to where the voice was from and saw a really cute boy with his hood on and dog on his head. He had red fangs on his face and the most amazing eyes I saw. Wait what? Am I fangirling? I have to stop this now!

"H-hi N-Naruto kun." I looked to a girl with blue hair and Hyuga eyes. Naruto looked at her too and her face turned completly red. Oh I see what's going on. I looked at Naruto and his face was clueless. I facepalmed. How can he be so stupid. He then again started to intruduce me to others.

"Oh hey guys this is Rei." He said and pointed at me. This time I just nodded with a smile. "This is Hinata Hyuga." I looked to Hinata and she blushed again when Naruto said her name. " Hi Hinata." I say and wave at her and she just says hi back to me.

Then he pointed to that cute guy. What?! No! Rei stop it!

"Kiba Inuzuka and his dog Akamaru. Forget what I said about Ino this guy is the most annoying at all." He said and Kiba glared at him,but before he could say anything to Naruto I gave my hand in front of Akamaru and he licked it. I then started to pet him. Kiba looked suprised. "What? Did I did something wrong?" I said and quickly took my hand of Akamaru. What do you know. Maybe he have alergies to women and could die. 

WOLF MATE (Tsunade's and Jiraiya's Daughter)[KIBA LOVE STORY]Where stories live. Discover now