Chapter 5

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Rei's P.O.V.

I was landing on the other side of the bridge,across Sasuke as Naruto ran on the bridge.

"Good morning Sakura,Rei."He looked to both of us with smile then he started glaring towards Sasuke. Geez is that really necesery every single time. Sakura was in the middle and she looked uncomfrotable. Fair to her! Kidding. Time to save her.

"Hey Sakura!Wanna heng out with me for a while...On this side of the bridge. Its alot sunnier and...Brighter?" She looked at me appreciated "Yes sure!" And she walked towards me. "Thanks. They two seems even more annoyed of each other then usually." She said and I nodde. "They're like this ever since the mission in the Land of Waves...It's starting to get really annoying."


It's been about an hour since me and Sakura stopped talking as we got tired of it. And all of a suddent Kakashi sensei finnaly showed up.

"Hey guys,good morning. I'm sorry I'm late. I'm afraid I got lost in the path of life."

We all looked at him furious and Sakura and Naruto screamed in sync. "Bullshit!" While I punched him square on the head.

Naruto then started ranting about that mission crap again. It would be nice to get some boring missions where I could sleep.

"I'm ready for the next ninja mission sensei! And hey! No more of this junky childish stuf okey?! I wanna a chance to prove myself! I want a real mission where I can show of what I'm made of!! Argh!I gota break out and burned up!! See!!" He said and got this odd look in his eyes. He was most likely fantasizing about the times he'll beat Sasuke.

"Emm..." Kakashi tried to get out of this mess.

"Right Naruto I get it. Now take it easy okey?" As soon as Kakashi finished Naruto started sending glares towards Sasuke. I practicly saw in his eyes how he's imagioning how he defeated Sasuke and saved everyone. 

"Belive it!!!"He screamed and I deatpaned at him. That kid is random. 

"Ok,tell me when you are done fantasising so we can start the mission. Right?"Kakashi asked him.


"Naruto can you not be so annoying just for once!" Said Sakura.


We finnaly finished all the boring missions we had to do. And I'm glad it was over! You wouldn't belive the glares between Sasuke and Naruto. Catastrophe.

We were walking down the street as Sakura broke the silence. "Look at you. You're hopeless Naruto." 

 "You really are just one big problem." Sasuke added. 

"SASUKE!!" I quickly stopped Naruto from attacking Sasuke with my hand and then I let Sakura to lecture him. "If you keep this up I'll finish you off myself!" Kakashi sighed. We really are just one troublesome squad. 

"Quess we're not making alot of progress on the teamwork thing hm." He mused.

"That's right our teamwork is all messed up and its all because of you Sasuke!" naruto shouted,but i dissagree. if it's teamwork bad is because of his and Sasuke's glares.

"Naruto I think we are all a bit quilty for bad teamwork." I said to him,but he wasn't even listening me

"You think you're better then anyone else!!?" Naruto said and Sasuke turned with his 'cool' face on. "Not anyone. Just you." Sasuke said and Sakura started squeking how cool he is. I looked at Kakashi and I saw that he was looking for a way to get himself out of this. He looked up the sky where the bird was circiling him.

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