Chapter 19

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Third person's P.O.V.

"Welcome to this year Chunin exams!" A voice shoted over the arena scaring the young gennins half to death.

All of them looked nervous. Some of them held up his cocky head,like Kankuro. Some of them were there looking like they couldn't care less what happens,like Shikamaru,Gaara and Temari. Some of them were just there. And one of them had a smile on her face that would scare half of the people away.

The so called person was Rei Senju. She couldn't wait for the exams to begin so she could kick people's sorry asses.

Rei looked on her left where Naruto was supposed to be but he was no where in sight. She skrunched her eyebrows and looked over to the closed doors where a weird noise was coming from. Not a second later a very panting Naruto ran in and fell down directly at Rei's feet.

"Wow...And people say I'm excited." The said girl mummbled under her breath.

"You okay,Naru-kun." She asked him and held out her hand to help the small shinobi on his feet.

"I'm fine Rei-chan." He shouted as he dusted himself off and then looked at Rei for the first time in that day.

'Something's different.' He thoughed,but he couldn't put his finger on what. Maby the fact that she was smilling very freakily.

"Umm Rei-chan why are you acting so weird." He slowly asked her afraid that she's going to hit him for saying such things,but Rei only gave him a closed-eyed smile and turned her head up the sky.

"I'm only excited for the battle. I have alot on my mind so this will be a good discraction. Besides.....My bloodlust is coming out. I need blood." She calmly replied and Naruto paled upon hearing her words. The only thing in his mind was that he hoped he wouldn't have to face her as he gulped,nodded and turned back to the front.

The crowd was very anxcious. They were all clapping and eating their popcorn while waiting for the matches to begin. They were most excited to see the,of curse,Sasuke Uchiha's fight. Everybody wanted to see what the last survivor had up his sleves.

Rei's P.O.V.

"All right. Everybody go upstars and wait for your fight. Neji Hyuga and Naruto Uzumaki stay down and fight." That proctor of the third stage of the exams coughed and they we all left upstars and watched.

The first fight was Naruto vs. Neji. Neji most of the fight talked about destiny and other kind of shit. It was getting quite annoying,but it really looked like he was going to win,since he blocked all of Naru-kun's chakra points,untill Naruto used the Kyubi's chakra and managed to defeat neji. It was quite fun listening to Naruto's speach.

After that it was Shikamaru's fight. Naru-kun pushed him off the railing so he went to fight agains Temari. I really didn't know who was I supposed to chear on since they were both my friends so I decided to just stay quiet. At the end Shikamaru finally managed to trap Temari in his shadow possesion jutsu and he was ready to win,till he said he gives up because he have very little chakra left. It was very amusing and funny.

After that it was supposed to be Sasuke's fight,but he wasn't here yet so they put his match to the end. It was now Shino vs. Kankuro and Kankuro gave up. Hmm...What a weakling.

It was now my fight! I'm going agains this weird 17 years old dude with green hair and pink eyes. Seriously?! Pink eyes?!

"3,2,1 Begin!" The proctor shouted and flew away from us.

"You know you should just give up honey,while you still have the chance." He said and winked at me and I just gave him a disgusted look.

"Really!? I'M 13 FOR JASHIN'S SAKE!!" I scream at him,but he only laughs teasingly.

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