Chapter 6

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Rei's P.O.V.

"You're late." Kakashi said as we got to the bridge half hour late.

"Well you see a black cat crossed our path." I said with a smirk.

"Very funny Rei." He said in sarcasm. 

"Anyway. I'm here to tell you all that I recomened you for the chunin exams." He gave us the entering lists. "First I wanna tell you that this chunin exams are entered for induiduals. So if you want to get in be in class three tomorow morning." And he poofed away. 

I've thought that entering chunin exams are for squads. Anyway. I'm entering in any costs.

"Well I'm going home to prepare for the chunin exams. Bye." I said to my teamates and I poofed away. I had no idea where I was. On some random street of Konoha. I started walking as I heared someone called me. "Rei!" I turned around and saw...

"Hey!Temari! What are you doing here?" She ran to me but I did not like to see who was with her. "Oh it's you again." I said in all depressed tone.

"Yes it's me."Kitty boy said senting me a glare.

"Wanna get more beaten up?" I said and looked over at Temari when she sight.

"Anyway. Rei do you want to hang out a bit?" She asked and I looked over at Kankuro in doubs.

"Fine. Whatever. We can go over there to get some dumplings." I said and pointed my finger over to one of my favourite eating places.

"Yes,sure." She replied and so we went there and ordered some dumplings. It was getting in one of those annoying silences so I broke it.

"So where do you have that panda guy?" I asked my mouth full of dumplings. Temari and Konkuro looked each other and then bursted out of laughing.

"What!" I exclaimed and Temari looked at me while still smilling.

"Nothing. Just no one ever called him like that before." She said and I got really confused. "Why not he looks exacly like a panda. " I remarked.

"Haha. I don't know why. Anyway. Are you entering chunin exams as well?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Yea,our sensei told us just a couple of minutes ago." I said back,my mouth still full of dumplings. I love dumplings!

"Like you even have any chance" Kitty guy said and Temari hit him as I sent him a deathly glare.

"Really,I don't know about others. I know I can take care of myself and I can take care of them too if needed. I know Sasuke could take care of him to. I'm in doubs about Naruto and there is no way Sakura would survive one minute. Except if the test would be about knowladge then she would be the one who had the best chances.What about ya?"

"Well I think we all could take care of us." They said and I scoffed.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. I mean me and Kankuro are fiveteen and I'm know that Gaara will get out of here without a skretch."

"That Gaara guy." I said and put on a serious look and Temari and Kakuro looked at me curious about what I have to say.

"His chakra. It's so cold and intiminating. He also have a very strong one. I don't like it." I said,but then smiled a bit.

"But I like being around yours. Well mostly Temari. Your chakra is bright at the most parts and it's waving around like a wind. It's so refreshing. But I can't help but to feel some of dark chakra too. Its not like that Gaara's cold one. It's like you're scared and." I stopped as I saw a sad look on her face.

"I'm sorry if I said anything that offended you. Belive me I don't want to be mean or anything." I said,being mainly concerned.

"No problem." She said and lightened up. "Its actually impressive that you can now so much about a person just when you meet." She said.

"Yea and its kind of weird that you can see chakra. Non gennin should be able to do that." Kitty boy replied.

"Well first of,I'm a people person so that helps too. And second. My dad said alot of times that I'm most likely on jonin level but Hokage still put me between genins as I'm up their age."I said and he and Temari were very shocked. What? Wasn't he the one who was punched by me?

"We should be going now." Temari said and she and Kankuro stood up. "Well Rei it was nice meeting you. I hope we can talk a little some other time."

"Yep me to. It was pleasure meeting you." I then sent a glare over to Kankuro. "Except you."

"Don't blame me. I never had any attention of meeting you." He said and put his hands up in defense.

"Haha Nice." I said in sarcasm. " Well se ya. Bye." I said and runned off.

Temari's P.O.V.

"Bye." I said and me and Kankuro started walking towards our hotel.

"That girl." Kankuro started.

"I know. She was able to read our chakras and us. It's like we know her for years." I said and Kankuro nodded.

"Yes but there is something else. I was Trying to feel her chakra. Which was hard even for me. She have amazing chakra control. " He said and I was getting annoyed for my annoying brother stalving words.

"Just get to the point." I say irritated.

"Well when she was talking about Gaara she wasn't scared. Not even a bit." He said and I looked at him in shock.

"What! She wasn't? Even after she described him perfectly?!" I asked in disbelive.

"No. I'm sure she wasn't. Her chakra more radiated sadness." He said and I lightly smilled.

"Hmm. What a weird kid." I mused and me and Kankuro continued over to our hotel.

First of so no one is confused or anything. this will not be a Gaara love story. Their talks are more for a bond between Temari and Rei. But I think I'll make this a Kiba love story because latly I love Kiba even more then usually so...Just tell me if I like the story. Leave votes and coments cuz I love them. And thanks for those who do vote on my story or comment. 

Disclamer: I don't owe any charachter except Rei.


WOLF MATE (Tsunade's and Jiraiya's Daughter)[KIBA LOVE STORY]Where stories live. Discover now