Chapter 15

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Up you have how Rei somewhat looks like with her hair down. Yes she has long wavy blonde hair,but on a missions she always wears them in high ponytail and having her bangs down(pic at the first chapter with her regular ninja clothes). Up is also how she looks in her night gown and her outfit for the next day. 

 Rei's P.O.V.

"Soooooo,Rei......"I heared Kiba say,only five minutes,after we turned off the light.

"What?!" I angrily replay.

"I can't sleep." He whispers out,like it's the biggest secret alive.

"Your problem." I whisper back sarcasticly.

"Help me." He says and I yelp because he's leing right next to me.

"Kiba what do you think you're doing?!" I whisper shout at him,since I'm afraid I might wake up someone else.

"Lets play a game." He said.

"What?" I ask him.

"A game." He said and sat up. He turned on the night light and the sat on my bed with Akamaru on his lap. His hood was down and he looked really sexy. What? Why the hell am I thinking this?!

"What game?"I asked him as I pushed myself into a sit position.

"Don't know." He shruged. "20 questions?"

"Why again?" I asked him irritated.

"I can't sleep. It's either this game or I'm gonna annoy the hell out of you." He shruged.

"Right." I said with a nodd. I sat on the bed so he was able to fully see me now.

"What?!" I asked him irritated as I saw him staring at me for the past minute.

"N-Nothing,I-I just never saw y-you outside your ninja clothes." He stammared and blushed. I looked down and saw I'm in my PJ. Did he seriously thoughed I would sleep in ninja clothes?

"What's so special about that." I ask him.

"Nothing. I just like that your hair are down. I never saw them rather then in a poinytail. They're beautiful. And long." He said and added the last sentance with a frown.

"Right." I said with a chuckle. "I love my hair. That's why I kept it long,but for a missions and training I usualy wear it up so they don't get in the way or cut off. I would kill the person that would cut my hair. " I added with a glare to Kiba.

He sweatdroped but nodded. Good. We're on the same page.

"So......Who's gona start?" I asked after a few minutes of awkard silance.

"Oh right!" He said as he pulled himself back again.

"I'm gonna start!! What is your favourite colour?" He asked me.

"Hmmm. Brown,or forest green. I'm not sure. Yours?" I ask him.

"Red. Definetly. Your favourite singer?" He asked me with a corious look.

"Taylor Swift!" I happily exclaimed and he had to grab his ears. (A/N I don't care. It's my story Taylor is in it!)

"What's your bigest fear?" I ask him and he had to though for a while until answering.

And so it went till the end of the night. Me and Kiba just talked about random things. He was still he usual cheeky and sarcastic self,but he was a bit nicer that usual. It was really fun talking to him till it got too late so we decided to go to sleep.

I woke up and looked around the room to see I was alone.

I yawned and got up. I made my way over to my backpack and chose the outfit. And before you ask. Yes,even ninjas wear different cloathes from time to time,expectialy at the times when we're not on a missions. (A/N The pic of her outfit is up at the beggining of the chapter.)

Well tehnicaly we're on the mission today,but we're having a day off before we return back to the village.

I went to the kitchen where I saw Miss Mina cleaning the dishes looking really irritated with kids running all around her. It looked like she was going to explode.

"Hey Clary,Danis!" I shouted at them and they imediatly stopped running.

"Hey Miss Rei. What is it?" Denis asked as he tillted his head to the side. He was so cute!

"Wanna play hide and seak?" I ask them and they look at each other before they nodd.

"Okay,Clary you hide and Denis will seek you and then change positions. Okay?" I ask them and they nodd again before running out of the kitchen.

"Thank you for that." Miss Mina said as she washed her hands as she ended up with the dishes.

"No problem,it looked like you needed it." I said and smiled at me.

"So,how was last night?" She asked me with a slight smirk.

"No offense,but what are you talking that?" I asked her confused.

"Well I swore that when I went to the bathroom last night at 2 AM I heared voices out of your room." She said and gave a suggestic look and I knew I definatly blushed this time.

"NO! I mean yes! We did talk but that's it! I swear. We're just friends,somewhat." I exclaimed.

"Well it was weird before you were hating each other and then you were talking." Miss Mina said as she took the seat across me.

"Wellwe're not exacly best friends and he ALWAYS,and I mean ALWAYS gets on my nerves. And I blushed. I BLUSHED! I NEVER BLUSH! And he makes me question everything I do. I used to be so sure and now I sometimes just don't know what to do. He is just a stupid,annoying person that managed to revolutionize my world in the second he came into it. HE'S JUST SUCH A PRICK!!" I exclaim loudly but I blush right after that I realized I just let my feelings out to a complete stranger.

" WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PLACE!" I yell,rather loudly,but Mina only chuckled.

"It's proved that this village enensify your feelings." She chuckled. "Besides. Your soulmate is not someone that comes into your life peacfully. It is someone who comes to make you question things,who changes your reality,somebody that marks a before and after in your life. It is not the human being everyone has idealized,but an ordinary person,who manages to revolutionize your world in a second." Miss Mina told me and pat me on the back as she left the room. I sat there a couple of moments until her word sink her in.

"M-MISS M-MINA I-I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!!!" I shout after her and she just laughs as she goes up stairs.

I stood up and went outside walking on the streets. A couple of heads turned my way,but i ignored as I thaugh of what Miss Mina said. Do I like Kiba?

Ha! No way! I'm just confused because this is another village that has some weird things about feelings. I mean Kiba! He's clumsy,cocky,sarcastic and annoying. No way in hell I like him!

I'm making a scedule. I'm going to uplodate this story every week on friday. Then I'm going to uplodate my beyblade and avatar fanfic every Saturday on two weeks.Like tomorow I'll uplodate beyblade one and in a week I'll uplodate an avatar one,so that we're clear. And the other Naruto fanfic,I'm just going to uplodate randomly,even though I lost my will to write it. I don't know why. I just did. 

Also thank you for 6,2K readers and over 300 votes I'm so happy and greatful! It's just good to know people enjoy your writting.

WOLF MATE (Tsunade's and Jiraiya's Daughter)[KIBA LOVE STORY]Where stories live. Discover now