Chapter 12

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Rei's P.O.V.

I woke up with a loud knock on the door. I yawned,stretched and then finally looked up,only to see team Kurenai staring at me with sweatdrop.

"Good dreams,love?" Kiba asked and winked at me and I shot daggers at him while hidding my now light pink cheeks. 'Why the hell am I blushing for a boy!'

"They were better without you here." I mumble just loud enough for him to hear.

"Rei." Hokage then cleared his troath and my head snapped to him. He gave a pointed look and I got a look of confusion before realization crossed it. I quicly jumped off the bed and put it back in my scroll.

"Emm. Rei-chan,why are you sleeping in Hokage office?" Kiba asked me and I shrugged with giving him a look that said I'll-tell-you-later and he nodded.

"Team Kurenai and Rei will go on a C ranked mission." Hokage said.

"What!" I exclaimed while Kiba smirked.

"Rei calm down." Hokage said with a stern look. "It's going to be a simple C-ranked mission and I think you and Shino both need a little time off training."

"But I haven't mastered my tecqunique yet." I said depressed.

"You are inches from doing it. It'll be good for you to go on the field and maybe you can figure out what you're doing wrong." He told me with a pointed look,that said no more discussion about this.

"When do we take our leave?" Kurenai sensei asked then.

"I give you three hours to pack." He said and with that I transported myself on some random Konoha street.

I started walking around looking at the happy villarges. Kids were playing games,most of them were playing ninjas. Ladys were working on their housholds,restaurants,shops...while they were talking and gossiping. And men were doing the harder chores,like fixing roofs.

I didn't notice when,but sudently I was in the middle of the forest when I heard a loud "Ahhhhh!!" That was followed by a splash.

I quicly runed to the force of the sound and I got to the clearing with river on the side where I saw wet Naruto with a frog on his head.

I blinked rapidly until I busted out laughing.

"Naruto! What an idiot!" I somehow managed to get out.

After some time as I finally calmed down I finally looked to the man besides him.

"Dad!" I shouted as I threw myself on him,making him stumble. Only after some minutes I was able to hear a loud shout.

"DAD?!" Naruto shouted right in my ear. I swiftly jumped off my dad and punched Naruto square on the head making a whole in the ground in the process.

"Don't shout so loud,you idiot!" I shouted back at him.

"Well my best friend is a daughter of pervy sage! I have every right! BELIEVE IT!!" Naruto yelled from the ground as he slowly stood back up.

"What? Ar- I-! Ugh! You know what?!! I'm going to-!!" I tried to derend myself,but dad covered my mouth with his stupid hand!

"Now,now kids I really think we should all just calm down. And yes Naruto I'm her father,but don't CALL ME PERVY SAGE IN FRONT OF OTHER-AHHHH!!" He went on,but I bit his hand making him remove it off my mouth and swinging it around like some idiot,making me smirk.

"You totally deserved that da.....pervy sage." I said in my smirk as he got really depressed and started to mummble things like 'my own daughter' or 'where did I go wrong'.

"Khm,khm." I cleared my troath so we could move on a theme. "What the hell are you two doing! And Naruto why are you soaking wet!"

"Oh my ears. Damn women." My dad complained,but we ignored him.

"Well pervy sage knocked out my sensei when we were training so I then made him train me! Believe it!" Naruto happily shouted. Could he speak in normal voice at least once.

"Well it's not that hard to believe." I muttered.

"Rei-chan what are you doing out here? Weren't you supposed to be training?" Naruto asked me.

"Oh yes I'm training but the old gezzer of Hokage decided to give me a mission with Kiba,Hinata and Shino." I said,getting instantly depressed with Kibas name.

"Isn't that good?!! That way you can spend some time with Kiba!!!" Naruto said so loud that my eardrums probably popped up,but I didn't pay any mind to that as vein appeared on my forhead as my hand meet his head again.

"WHAT DOES EVEN MAKES YOU THINK OF THAT?!! YOU IDIOTIC IDIOT!!" I yell angrily at him as he goes flying to at least the other side of a village.

I look around and I see my dad looking at me in a very weird way.

"Anway." I said as I cleared the dust of me. "I'm gonna get ready for my mission. See ya!"

"Yeah. See you too." I heared him say in a dozed of voice. He was probably thinking of the time he got a near death experience because of mum.

That though made me chuckle as I ran off to pack for the mission.

Yey! I finnaly uplodated after like two months and I'm really sorry about that. I have no excuses. I was just simply lazy. But I'm gonna pull myself together and uplodate at least a chapter a week. I hope you like this one.

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WOLF MATE (Tsunade's and Jiraiya's Daughter)[KIBA LOVE STORY]Where stories live. Discover now