Chapter 20

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Rei's P.O.V.

"The winner of this match is Rei Senju!!" The proctor shouted after a MAJOR shock....

Quite funny...

After a couple of moments the crowd slowly started to clap and exchange confused glances. On instickt I tried to walk and when I remember I had broken leg it was too late.

I waited and embraced myself for the pain but it never came. I looked down and saw my leg completly healed.

'How did this happen?' I thoughed as my eyes widened.

Well whatever.....At least I'm healed.

I put chakra into my feat and jumped up to where the others contestants were and in the same second I was infused in a BIGGGG hug from Naruto.

"Rei-chan you were amazing!!! I did get a little scared when you almost died!!! But that's okay,dattebayo!!!" He shouted directly in my ear.

"Naruto..." I growl as I punch him.

"DON'T SHOUT IN MY EARS!!" I scream.

"Hey.." A lazy voice says behind me.

"What?" I ask as i face Shikamaru.

"What's that on your forehead?"

"What's what on my forhead?" I ask and feel my forhead with my left hand but there's nothing there.

"What a drag." He sighs before handing me a mirror.

I look myself in the mirror and the first thing I notice is my bloody and messy hair.

'How did it get so ugly!' I mentaly scream at myself.

'Just look on your forhead.' Miyuki remainds me.



I look at my forhead in the mirror where there is a light red diamond shaped sign.

I unlocked the 100 healing jutsu!!!! OMG!!! THIS IS AWERSOME!!!

"Rei,Rei! Hellol!" Shikamaru's waving hand infront of my face threw me off my thinking. "So...What is it?"

"It's the seal of 100 healing jutsu...My mother,Tsunade Senju made it and this was one step that refrained me from being a good medic like her." I smiled widly.

"So this means your on the same power level as her?" Shikamaru asks me wide eyed.

"No,not really. She has way more experience and more chakra. If we were to battle she would win." I shrugg and he noods in understanding.

After that was the Shino's match vs. Kankuro,but Kankuro forfeited. Weird....

I pretty much zoned out between Sasuke's and Gaara's match untill Gaara's screaming threw me out of my track.

"BLOOD! MY BLOOD!!" His voice came out from the cacoon kind of thing and Sasuke had his hand sticked in it...Okay.

I looked up as Temari and Kankuro went to Gaara. In the sky I saw white feathers slowly starting to fall down. My eyelids started to get heavier and I suddently felt very sleepy.

"RELASE!" I say as I put my hands together in a handsign and get myself out of the genjutsu.

I jump on the stands for people as at least ten shinobi start to come at me. I enfuse my fist with my chakra as i punch all of them.

I get to Kakashi just as Naruto,Sakura,Shikamaru,Shino and runs off.

"Yo." I say with a peace sign as I knock out the shinobi who tried to stab Kakashi-sensei!

"Rei!" He screams and punches a sand shinobi.

"What the bloody hell is going on here?!" I scream ask.

"The sound and sand are attacking the Leaf and Orochimaru is fighting Lord Third on that roof!" He screams back as I punch the floor,making a whoole taking at least 20 enemies with it.

I look up and surly there is Old Man fighting Orochimaru in a some kind of barrier.

"Are you gonna go after Naruto?!" He asks but I shake my head no.

"No...I'm gonna go around the village and make sure the villagers are safe! That's our priority right now!!" I scream and he nodds with a proud look.

What's that about?

Third person's P.O.V.

Kakashi Hatake proudly watches as his student leaves the stadium.

That girl would make an amazing Hokage one day. He thougs as he kicks another enemy.

"THAT'S 76 ENEMYS ON MY ACCOUNT!! WHAT DO YOU HAVE MY YOUTFUL RIVAL!!" His so called rivar shouts from another corner.

"87." He calmly replies,barly audible.

"OH NO I MUST USE MY YOUTH SO I'LL DEFEAT YOU!!" He screams back as he starts knocking out more enemies while Kakashi is watching him with a sweatdrop.

"We're in a battle,not competition..." He travells of.

-meanwhile with Rei-

(A/N I'm gonna do this a little differently then it's in the series. You'll soon see what I'm talking about.)

Rei slowly made her way trough the crowd of enemies.

They were everywhere.

She didn't let her bother all of that this much. All that she did was to make sure the civillians are safe. That's why she told all of them to evacuate on the Hokage faces where there are safe rooms. She also told them that we have Lord Third and that everything will be alright.

Right now she was fighting a bunch of weak sound shinobi to get to a little girl.

Her eyes widened as she saw a kunai that flew exacly towards the little one!

She enfused her fist with chakra and in another second all the enemies were knocked out.

She used her speed to quckly get to the girl and then used Flying Raijin Jutsu to teleport back to the kunai she previously put next to the enemies body.

She didn't bother to look who would of kill a little girl,but she did catch in the corner of her eye that there were two enemies and they jumped on the other side of the street. Also by their chakra segniatures they were very strong.

The little girl was shaking as Rei put her down on the floor and her legs imidatly gave up from under her. She made a clone that picked her up and them made a girl to look into her eyes.

"You'll be okay. My clone will take you to a safe place where you're gonna find your family and everything will be alright. And besides. We have Lord Third watching over us." I said and with that I gave a nodd to my clone who took the girl away.

I slowly turned around to look at my enemies but my eyes widened as I saw my next opponents.

"Lord First....

Lord Second....

No way.....

I'm screwed..."


This is it! only two more chapters and I can finish this!!

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