Chapter 22

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Rei's P.O.V.

I exhale as I walk my way down the street.

Yesterday was the Lord Third's funeral. Even the sky cried for a little.

This morning my dad and Naruto went to get the Fifth Hokage. My mother. I have the feeling it's going to be hard to convince her into coming.

"Hey,Hinata!!" I hear a shout and I see Kiba calling her.

'Oh crap!' I think as I quickly hide behind a building.

I'm not ready.

Also. Last week fight with Hashirama and Tobirama gave me thinking. I may be the daughter of two Sannin but I'm still not THAT strong. I need to become stronger.

I'm still weak. I need to be strong enough to protect my friends and family.

My dad said that the Akatsuki are after the tailed beasts that means they'll be after Naruto. He also said that in the upcoming future he'll most likely take Naruto for a training journey.

I need to find a sensei,so I'll be able to be strong enough to protect him. I know I went agains both Hokages and I survived,but they could easily got me.

I can't just sit around doing nothing.

I'm also worried for Sasuke...

Pfff. I know. But I see the way he looks at Naruto. It's like.....

I don't know it's hard to describe.

All I know is that I need to get stronger.

I'm leaving.....


I make my way into my apartment where I take out one of my backpack and put in some clothes. I make some scrolls in which I put in some food and personal posessions.

After that I clean my place up and make sure that nothing is left in the fridge.

Then I took a pencil and a paper.

'Dear Team 7,friends,Hokage(I hope that's you mom) or whoever is going to read this!

I left the village as you see. Not as a rouge ninja so please don't put me in the Bingo book!

I left so I can get stronger. Dad already told me Naruto is going on three years training so I'm going as well.

I'll travel around the villages to find a sensei. No offense to Kakashi,but I really need to get stronger so I can protect all of you.

I hope you're not to mad at me.

With love,Rei Senju.'

I leave the letter on the table,put on my backpack and I make my way out of the village.

I'm almost at the gates when I remember something.


I quickly make my way to his house to see his window open. I search for chakra signiatures,but I found none.


I jump trough his wondow ad found a paper with a pencil amd leave him with a message as well.

'Dear Kiba.

I'm sorry.

I'm leaving the village to get stronger. I already left one message at my home for the Hokage.

I know we're mates,but I basicly know nothing about this whole mating stuff,but I'm gonna find out.

I'm not exacly sure who I am anymore,but I'm gonna find out that as well.

I just need you to know that I like you or maybe even love you.

Don't cheat on me!


And with that I leave Kiba's house.


"Great! Now I'm lost!" I exhale.

I've left the village two weeks ago,but I made one of the frogs to tell me what's going on.

Mom was furious because I left. Kiba is very sad. Sasuke left for the hicky giving idiot. And Naruto went on three years training.

"I knew I should of taken a map...."I trail of as I hear something being shot right next to my ear.

My eyes widen as my body goes completly numb. I can't move a muscle. All I can is is a small hole in a tree to where that weird thing was shot.

"Who are you?" A voice dangerously growls out but I can't speak.

"I said....Who are you?" It asked with even more venom.

"R-Rei Senju." I answer.

"A Senju huh..." A voice says a little nicer then before. "Turn around."

I do as said and turn around with my hand in surrender when I see a girl in her late thirties...At least thats what she look like.

Woman has a medium lengt red hair that is up in poinytail. She has dark yellow eyes with rings in them. There's a cigarete in her mouth and weird tube-like thing that looks like a pipe in her hands. She's tall and slim and is wearing a black dress.

"You're Tsuna's daughter aren't you?" She asks.

"Yes." I nodd as she lowers her.....god knows what.

"What is a girl like you doing out here? Shouldn't you be with your mommy?" She asks which angers me.

"I left the village so I can train." I replay a bit angrily for someone who could be death in one second.

"So you're looking for a sensei,huh." She says more to herself then me and makes her way to me.

I stifen,but she rolls her eyes as she grabs my hands and trace lines on them.

One weird woman.

"Perfect..." She says with wide eyes. "Never in my life did I found a person that could work." She looks at me with a smirk.

"My name is Yukiko Satomi. But please,call me Yukiko-sensei."



Finished on January 22th 2016

Wow! This is my first finished story EVER as well as my fanfiction. I'm really,really,really happy.

Well.... You're welcome to read my other fanfictions. Right now I have two of them out one being: Red Haired Medic (Mito's sister)-Tobirama love story... Or I have another one about beyblade but it needs HUGEE editing.

Ja ne

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