Chapter 2

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Rei's P.O.V.

I stood in front of my new classroom doors. Nothing special really, but to me they presented torture. The torture of school I was going to have to endure. True, just for day- but torture is torture. Besides all the torture that could of happened while I was in the school I had another problem- I didn't know how to enter the damn classroom. Should I wait till the teacher gets me? Knock? Or just destroy the door? Well that certainly seems interesting.

My eyes sparkled in mischief, smirk presented on my face I raised my fist in front of my face ready to strike the poor, unsuspecting door.

"Hey." I heard besides me, making me jump like a cat who just realized that it was a dog- not a mouse.

I took a quick look at my 'attacker'. My first observation-he was a man with long dark brown hair that he decided to wear in a ponytail. Probably so it wouldn't distract him in fighting or something. He was rather tall (for me at least) and wore standard chunin clothes with his headband tied around his forehead. His black eyes looked kindly down at me and his lips were sat into light smile.

"Hei?" I replied in question. I didn't know what he wanted but I had a feeling-it was nothing good.

"You must be Rei Senju. Correct?" He waited and I nodded so he continued. "My name is Iruka Umino and I'll be your sensei for-erm today."

"Nice to meet you!" I replied to his quick explanation, not bothering to introduce myself. He probably already knows who I am anyways.

"So, may I ask why were you looking at the door like you were going to kill it just seconds before I arrived?" He curiously asked me and I stiffened for a split second before smirking up at him.

"No, you may not."

Iruka - or Iruka-sensei I guess frowned as he thought about what I said for a while before lightly glaring down at me.

After he was done with his little glaring face, he quietly opened up the door and walked in the classroom, me hot on his heels.

I almost laughed at the face Iruka-sensei made at the class. They didn't even see him walking in. Instead they kept on talking among themselves, shouting and some even sleeping.

'I wonder how he managed to do that in this wild zoo.' I think curiously, looking at the sleepyhead with pineapple hair.

"THAT WAS MY FIRST KISS YOU IDIOT!" A loud scream tore me out of my silent wonders about the pineapple hair.

I quickly covered my ears, looking for the source of the sound and glaring at the stupid pink headed girl after that for shouting.

She along with many other girls were ruthlessly throwing punches at this blond kid who was by now bleeding on the floor.

By her shouting before I'd say they're fangirls, angry because their boy (or girl, who am I to know- I just got to this class) kissed someone else. And the blonde seemed to be the punching bag for their anger. Or maybe the blond one is who the boy, or the girl kissed.

Damn this class has some heavy drama going on. I'm happy to see I'm at least not the only violent one here. Even though the punches this girlies were throwing were kind of pathetic, seeing that they were graduating gennin today.

"GIRLS!" Iruka-sensei shouted besides me, making me cover my ears again and look at him in annoyance.

"Please, go on, be louder. It's not like my ears already died." I angrily say, crossing my arms.

WOLF MATE (Tsunade's and Jiraiya's Daughter)[KIBA LOVE STORY]Where stories live. Discover now