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Rei's P.O.V.

"Sakura-chan!" I shout at my pink haired teamate.

"Oh,Hello Rei!" She beams at me as she put her glows on.

"Sooo.......I was thinking that since it's New Year the Leaf shinobi could hang out and wait for the 2016 together?" I ask unsurly.

"Umm,sure..." She says as she throws me a strange look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I frown.

"It's just strange seeing you so excited over something." She says.

"Oh..." I softly smile.

"Be at BBQ place at seven!" I scream as I run of to tell the others.





"Ducky-kun! OPEN UP!!!!" I scream as I'm punching his door.

I don't see him opening that's why I 'accidently' hit him when he opens up.

"Ow! Hei!" He says as he glares at me and I smile sheepisly.



I frown at him. "I'm getting you a dictionary for b-day..." I mummble and he glares harder.

"What do you want?" He grumbles.

"IT'S NEW YEAR IN A FEW HOURS!!" I scream at him and he winces at my loundness.

"What does that has to do with me?"

"The whole gang is meeting at BBQ at seven so we're having a TOGETHER FOREVER LEAF 2016 moments!" I beam at him.

"Together? For-What?" He asks,but I'm already running away.

"Just come ducky! Its a rule! Do not abandon us!" I sayas I turn to look at him and clunch my heart dramaticly,which resulted in running backwards.






Into a crazy Tora cat lady!


"Hmm...Where to find Naru?" I muse as I walk down the street just as I hear.


I sweatrop as I enter the Ichiraku ramen and see Naruto with like 60 empty bowls.

"Oh! Hei Rei-chan!" He greets as he eats another bowl.

"Hey Naru-kun!"

"Sukura-chan told me you're having a party...." He says sady as he looks down."Well....Have fun..."

He says and I frown. This kid is seriously messed up.

"I will!!!!........But only if you're there!" I say as I held out a peace sign.

"Really?!" He asks and I nodd.

"Yes! Be at BBQ at seven! Oh and bring fireworks!"I say and he nodds his head up and down giving me the feeling he's gonna broke it(the head).

WOLF MATE (Tsunade's and Jiraiya's Daughter)[KIBA LOVE STORY]Where stories live. Discover now