Chapter 15

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"Boss!" Gorou's voice yelled. You had pulled Arata along with you. You turned around and tossed Arata to Kakuzu. He caught him. You looked up and saw the two men looking at you. You crossed your arms in front of you and felt two arms wrap around you. As you hit the ground, you landed on something soft. You looked up and saw Hidan smirking down at you.

"Told ya I'd always catch ya when ya fell," he said, laying his head on the ground. "But that kinda hurt."

You giggled and got off him. He sat up, rubbing his back.

"They'll be coming any minute now," you said and looked up at the wall that now had three holes. One where the window used to be and one on either side of the window.

"Wind style: Gale palm!" what was left of the wall to that room was blown away as the two men jumped out of the building. They landed in front of you, only a few feet away. You and Hidan stood up as Kakuzu walked up to you guys with a passed out Arata slung over his shoulders.

"Give the boss back and we can avoid unnecessary combat," Gorou said and held out his hand.

"And if we refuse?" you asked.

"It's clear that you're strong," Haruki said. "If we're engaged in combat, we can't guarantee we'll go easy on you."

"So just give back our leader," Gorou repeated.

"Sorry you bastards," Hidan smirked. "But we're not failing this mission."

"Mission?" Haruki asked.

"Yeah," Hidan grabbed his scythe and smirked. "We came here to take your 'boss' cause he has 100 ryo bounty on his head."

"Why do you think?" Gorou asked.

"Illegal weapon trading," you said. Gorou glared at you. You got into a fighting stance. "I know you won't let us go. Even if we were to return your 'boss', you would still come after us. Isn't that right?"

"You're pretty sharp for a kid," Haruki stated.

"I'll take that as a compliment," you told him as he also got ready to fight. Hidan was more than ready to fight, Kakuzu would have to focus on defense with the knocked out Arata on his shoulder. Gorou also got ready. Okay, Gorou can use water style and the other one can use wind style.

"Wind style: Gale palm," Haruki swung his hand towards you. You jumped out of the way and made some hand signs.

"Water style: Fury wave!" you shot water out of your mouth and towards Haruki. His eyes widened and he jumped out the way. You moved your head to follow him and hit his back. He flew into the building. Damn it! We should go fight somewhere we won't destroy the entire town.

"Ahh!" you were snapped out of your thoughts as the scream of a little girl reached you. You looked around and saw a little girl trapped under a large piece of wood. Another, older girl was trying to help her out as a stray Gale palm attack was heading straight for them. Your body reacted, you jumped in front of the two girls.

"Wind style: Wind bending," you moved your hand to the ground and up towards the sky. The stray Gale palm attack flew towards the sky and away from the village until the wind dispersed. You turned towards the girls and knelt down. The older girl stood in front of the little girl. "I'm just gonna help." You told her. She looked at the little girl and nodded. She moved out of the way and you lifted the wood off the little girl. The older girl hugged her.

"Thank you miss!" she said as she turned to you, tears brimming her eyes. You nodded. They turned and ran from the battle scene. They look no older than five and fifteen. You thought to yourself.

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