Chapter 31

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"My gut's telling me something bad is going to happen... very soon."

Konan stared at you incredulously. "Aiko, your gut is telling you this?"

"I feel it deep down," you answered and turned back to her with a small smile. "You probably don't believe me huh?"

"Uh..." Konan looked down. "That's not it, it's just-"

"You're right I guess," you interrupted and walked past her. "It must be my imagination."

"Aiko, that's not what I wanted to say," Konan said and grabbed your wrist. You turned your head to look at her.

"Then what did you want to say?" you asked curiously.

"I'm not as good at saying this as Hidan would be," Konan mumbled to herself and looked right into your eyes. "If you get the instinct to do something, do it. But make sure you stay out of trouble."

Your eyes widened as you looked all over Konan's expression. She didn't show any signs of lying, or joking. "Seriously?"

Konan nodded. "You're right, we have been too overprotective of you. And I agree that's not right on our part. We should give you more freedom... and put more of our trust in you. I know I can try, but I don't know about Pein. Trust your instincts, and solve your problems. But try to stay out of trouble and away from danger."

You smiled from ear to ear (not literally) and wrapped your arms around Konan.

"Thank you Konan," you whispered and closed your eyes as she hugged back. You felt your eyes stinging with tears. This was one step into something new. Konan had just told you straight up that she would put more trust in you, if even a little. It was better than nothing. More than you could ask for now. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Konan chuckled. "No need to thank me so much. And don't thank me like this," she told you as she pulled away and held your hands in hers. "Thank me by staying out of trouble."

You nodded. "Yes sister."


"Uh... Konan I mean," you corrected yourself.

Konan smiled and hugged you again. "No, sister's fine."

Your eyes widened slightly but you smiled as Konan ran her fingers through your hair. This is what you thought having a sister would feel.


Oh no! This is getting out of hand! Farubaru thought as she stood beside Tobi and looked up at the giant cloud of smoke. Tobi was yelling again, and it was getting on her nerves. Farubaru squinted and saw that Deidara's arms were bleeding right below the elbows

"How many times do I have to tell you to shut up Tobi?!" Deidara yelled.

"What? You're still alive?" Tobi mused. Deidara glared at Sasuke hatefully, as if he was remembering something. After a little bit, he stuffed his hands into his clay pouches and pulled out all of the clay from one of the pouches. He brought it to his mouth and began to chew it.

Farubaru's eyes widened. What is he thinking?! If he uses that, we might all get caught in the explosion!

"He's eating the detonating clay!" Tobi pointed out. "But that means..."

Deidara wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and made some hand signs. "I saved the best for last, this will kill you," he told Sasuke. "Tobi! Farubaru! Run! Now!"

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