Chapter 45

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~3rd person~

"Sasori, that's... my Kekkei Genkai."

"What?" he asked and looked at the cloaked figure. How can it be? Aiko said that she was the lone survivor of her clan! How can someone have the same Kekkei Genkai as her?! His teeth clenched. Damn it! "Who are you?!" he demanded again.

"That should be of no importance," the woman answered and reached up. She placed a hand on the hood and slowly pulled it off her head. Sasori's eyes widened as locks of light brown hair swayed softly in the wind and sandy colored skin became visible. His eyes took in the girl's appearance. She was...

"Aiko?" he turned to face the young girl beside him. "That's..."

"Yeah, she looks a lot like me," she answered. "But... how?"

"Kabuto," Sasori growled out the name with venom.

"That's master Kabuto to you," the girl sneered. "But I guess it doesn't matter, since you will be nothing but ashes by the time I'm done here. As for the girl," she pointed at Aiko. "Master Kabuto told me to capture her alive."

"You won't get to her," Sasori declared and pulled Aiko behind him.

"Sasori, stop," Aiko whispered. "You think you know how to fight her, but she probably has my same strengths and weaknesses. Some of them I haven't told you or I don't know about but..."

"But what?"

"She's different," Aiko murmured and pointed at the girl's face. "Her eyes, her appearance."

Sasori looked at the girl's eyes. It was true, they were a greenish golden color instead of a honey brown, a blue line ran vertically down the right side of her face and over her eye down her cheek and nearly to her chin, along with that she wore crimson red lipstick. The hair style was different as well. Instead of having an untameable lock of hair hanging down the middle of her face and short ish bangs, this creature had her bangs parted neatly at the middle of her forehead and they went down to her eyebrows. Also, her hair was lighter in color. And not only that, this girl had no emotion, whereas Aiko portrayed her emotions freely. A calm, collected copy of Aiko. "You've really outdone yourself this time, Kabuto."

There was an evil cackle from somewhere in the forest behind the girl. A pale hand rested on her shoulder as another cloaked figure, a man, walked out beside her. "So you were able to sense me, nicely done Sasori."

"What do you intend to do with Aiko?" Sasori demanded. "And what is that thing?"

"Oh, this is just my own version of Aiko," Kabuto replied. "Sasori, Aiko, meet Kirai. With her power on my side, I will be able to go through with some... future plans."

Aiko frowned. "What plans?"

"I told you before, Aiko," Kabuto answered. "Can't tell you. Otherwise, the surprise will be ruined. I must say though, it was pretty difficult for lord Orochimaru to form the girl. And even after all he tried, he failed. I, on the other hand, succeeded in creating a replica of you, Aiko."

"What does it matter?" Aiko asked. "It's not like she can do much against the Akatsuki if that's what you wanted."

"Oh, no, nothing of the sort," Kabuto said and pushed his glasses up. "She won't be able to do much about the Akatsuki, I know that. But she will be able to bring you two down, at least."

"You already have that thing, why do you need Aiko?" Sasori asked as he slowly reached behind him and pulled a scroll out of his right sleeve and held it, slowly rolling it open.

"Well you see, there are some things Kirai can't do. For example," Kabuto looked at Kirai out of the corner of his eyes. "You only care for Aiko, you wouldn't hesitate to kill Kirai in order to protect her. However, if I had Aiko, you wouldn't do so much as lift a finger against me or Kirai without risking Aiko's throat to be slit open. Putting the pieces together yet?"

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