"Yahiko?!" you called out and kept walking through the streets of the Hidden Rain. "Come on Yahiko! We have to get back!"
You jumped, let out a cry and swung out your hand. Your palm connected with Yahiko's cheek and he fell on his rear with a 'THUD' and a hand on his cheek.
"You jerk!"
"Ow! What was that for?!" Yahiko shouted and swung his fist at you.
"For scaring me! Why else?!" you answered and huffed while holding a hand out to Yahiko. "Anyway, hurry up. We have to get back."
"I still don't understand why we have to wear these cloaks and hide out in the hideout," Yahiko muttered as he took hold of your hand and stood with your help. He pulled at the neck of the cloak. "It's too high."
"You can always leave it unzipped a little," you pointed out and unzipped the neck of the cloak. "And it's not even tight on your neck, so don't overreact."
"I'm not but... it's kinda..."
"Kinda... what?"
You sighed and rolled your eyes as you walked on ahead. "Of course it is."
"And red clouds? Why?"
"To show the rain of blood that was shed upon the Hidden Rain in the time of war."
You looked up and smiled at the woman floating in the air. "Konan!"
"Blood shed on the Hidden Rain huh?" Yahiko repeated as he held out the middle of his cloak and stared at the cloud. "I guess that part makes sense. But it seems peaceful here in the Hidden Rain," he said as he looked around.
People shuffled about, minding their own business and doing their everyday routine. It seemed as if though everything was fine, and nothing bad would ever happen.
"That's because of Nagato," Konan informed. "He defeated Hanzo and became the new leader of the Hidden Rain. He ended the civil war and united the people of this village."
"But his rules were strict," you muttered under your breath.
"What?" Yahiko asked. "His rules were strict? How so?"
You exchanged looks with Konan. Then you looked back at Yahiko and smiled nervously. "Oh, nothing much. Just that no visitors were allowed through the gates. The Hidden Rain wouldn't negotiate with other villages except for the chunin exams, any intruder was killed on sight, and it rained every day in order to keep the civilians safe and detect intruders wherever and whenever they tried to infiltrate the Hidden Rain."
"Did it ever get infiltrated?" Yahiko asked and let go of the cloak.
"It did once..." you trailed off.
"It was Jiraiya sensei," Konan finished.
Yahiko's eyes widened. "Jiraiya sensei? He got away right?"
Konan shook her head. "No, Nagato finished him before he could spill his secrets."
"What secrets?"
"Too many questions!" you whined. "We can walk and fill you in at the same time okay?"
They both nodded and walked after you. Konan explained everything to Yahiko and answered his questions. You looked back over your shoulder and saw how they looked at each other. It wasn't your business, and you new that, yet you couldn't help but turn around and walk backwards while looking at the two. You made a heart with your fingers and looked at them through it.

One Of Us (Akatsuki Fan-fiction)
FanfictionYou are always running for your life. That is, until you came across them. Once you meet them, you don't have to run anymore. You were safe. But all good things come to an end. After many near-death experiences, they come to realise that maybe, you...