
68 2 0

31st December 2007



The monotonous beeping of the alarm clock echoed in the corners of Trixie's cluttered room. Running her fingers along the many buttons along the clock, she slammed her hand down on it after a while; giving up on finding the specific button and yawning.

Blinking sleep out of her eyes, she glanced at the time; 9AM. Jeez, her sleep schedule was getting worse.

Swiftly changing into a black sweater and leggings, she went downstairs. Her brother, Taylor, was sitting at the table, devouring some bacon and eggs.

"Mhm- I made some— for you— on the side." He mumbled, his mouth full to the brim with egg. Trixie grimaced, muttering out a quick 'thanks' before hurrying to the kitchen.

"I really wish you didn't speak with your mouth open, it makes me feel sick." Trixie commented, sitting down at the table and tucking into her breakfast too. "Anyway, you're gonna be alone again tonight; Amir and I are working late to finish on the winter-wedding dress Ms. Claire ordered." She said, "Actually, I'm just going to check to see if he's still coming."

Taylor rolled his eyes as Trixie opened her flip-phone and dialled Amir's number. After a few rings he picked up.

"'Ello, 'ello, it's Amir here! What's up, Trix?"Amir's voice called through the phone.

"Hey, Amir! Just double-checking, you're coming tonight, right?" Trixie asked, eyeing her brother as he put on a mischievous grin.

"Yup!" He said, popping the 'p', "Gonna head in a couple hours early, if that's okay with you."

"'Course it is."

"Great talking, Amir out!"

"Talking to your boyfriend, Trix?" Taylor's voice teased.

"Can't believe you're 22, yet still have the same humour as a 12 year-old boy." She replied, scoffing, but grinning all the same.

* * *

I only own the Hallows family, and other aliens that appear later, all the other characters belong to Doctor Who.

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