Destination SKARO

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"Passengers are asked to take their seats and buckle their seatbelts, thank you!"

"So, Doctor, remind me of why we're flying on a plane again?" Trixie asked, seeming anxious.

"Hey! It's not just 'a plane', it's a 26th century flight-mobile!" The Doctor defended, sounding slightly offended.

"And what's the difference between that?"

The Doctor stayed quiet. As soon as the plane took off, Trixie felt the familiar feeling of pressure on the front of her body. An overwhelming squirming feeling had begun in her gut and she gripped an armrest near her.

"Lights will dim as liftoff starts, this is apart of procedure, do not panic."

The voice over the intercom droned on. Very little were on the flight; a family of 4 who were talking enthusiastically, a male who was reading a book silently, two elderly women who were in a silent conversation, and a middle-aged man and his son.
The beaming white lights began to dim, making the cabin feel more abandoned than it already was.

Trixie found the lights dimming to be rather relaxing, despite the fact that it signified they were going to take off soon. She looked over at The Doctor. He was beaming brightly, looking around the cabin and taking it in. Finally, the plane started to gain speed, before taking off.
Suddenly, a severe rocking motion took the whole cabin and shook it like a rattle. It was like turbulence, but amplified by 100. At the same time, the lights flickered completely off.
With a final jolt, the plane stopped shaking.

The cabin recovered from the incident, murmurs and 'what was that?'s filling the cabin. The flight attendant walked out, clearly shaken by the event.

"Uhh.. Good morning everyone, uhh, I believe we have encountered some technical difficulties, and we ask you to remain entirely calm—"

"Oh, my! Look outside, everyone! Look outside!" The clear mother of the family of 4 cried hysterically. Upon this, gasps erupted. Trixie peered outside the window. Instead of the beautifully majestic view of the cloud-line, there was a pure, dark abyss. Space.

"Oh my God!"

"Where are we?"

"I would like to speak to whoever's in charge, now!"

"Everyone! Alright; settle down!" The Doctor yelled, unbuckling his seat and standing up, trying to regain control of the situation. Everyone kept chatting wildly. "FINGERS ON LIPS!" He yells finally, it echoes throughout the cabin. One by one, each looking very confused, raise their index finger to their lips, including Trixie.
"Right, now everyone; remain seated. Everything is going to be alright. Now, I need to have a little chat with the pilots." He says, orderly. He waves for Trixie to follow, and they both make their way over to the cockpit's door.

"Excuse me, sir, but what permission do you have to be here?" The other flight attendant asks sharply, putting out a hand in front of the door.

"John Smith; Health and Safety." The Doctor replied, displaying a black wallet with a blank piece of paper inside of it. Before the flight attendant could say anything, he continued. "Right, now let's have a look inside." He attempted to open the door, which was rather more futuristic than the ones Trixie had seen. It had a touch-scanner on the side, coloured a deep green tone.
The flight attendant put his hand against it, albeit reluctantly.

"What is that paper thing?" Trixie whispered out of the corner of her mouth.

"Psychic paper; makes them see what I want them to see." He replies, also whispering.

Pressing his hand to the door, the flight attendant waited expectantly for the door to open. Nothing happened. He tried again, but got the same result. The Doctor took over, pulling out the sonic screwdriver and scanned the pad.

wwwrrrrrrrrr— ZZT!

Sparks spat out from the pad and the sonic at the same time, making The Doctor jolt back and fumble the sonic in his fingers. He desperately tried to flick it on, but no blue light came from it.

"Ahh— my sonic!" He whined, looking at the body of it. "It's malfunctioned; just shut down." He continued, a slightly pained expression on his face.

"Uhm- Excuse me, sir?" The man who had been reading his book had got up off his seat, and approached them. He had spiked black hair, with a stripe of silvery purple, and piercing blue eyes. They both looked up. "What's going on?"

"Very complicated technical difficulties." The Doctor said, simply. "You any good at electrical work, umm.." He left a pause for his name.

"Marc." He responded. "I mean, my dad and I used to do a bit of rewiring for our Te-Mobile." Trixie assumed a 'Te-Mobile' must be some sort of future device.

"Marc! Right. Reckon you can solve this?" He asked, gesturing to the scanner.

"I can try."

"Good! Now, Trixie? Let's have a look outside." He said, walking confidently to the entry door. Trixie followed.
   Opening it, instant regret dawned upon them.  Pressure rushed into the airplane, making it feel as if a heavy mallet was crushing them. Trixie's hand clasped around one of the seats at the back to prevent herself from slamming into the wall. Other passengers leaned to the sides of their seat as their seatbelts just about held them in place. The Doctor was doing a similar thing to Trixie; hanging onto 3 seats by the door, face screwed up.

Trixie forced against the strength of the pressure pushing against her, she grabbed onto a wall by the door. A plan formed between them, almost telepathically. Within a second, they both grabbed onto the door's latch, and slammed the door shut.
   At the sudden pressure change, they fell back onto the floor roughly. After a few moments, they began to start laughing.

"I don't know why yer laughin'! That was the most horrific experience of my life!" One of the old women yelled at them. They fell silent quite fast. "Youngins.."

"I've got the door open!" Marc called, sounding a bit winded. The Doctor leaped up and hurried over to the pilot door, Trixie followed suit.

I only own the Hallows family, and other aliens which apply. Every other character and alien belongs to Doctor Who.
yippie !

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