Into The Triangle

46 1 0

1st January 2008

"So, any suggestions?" The Doctor asked, poking and pulling all sorts of buttons and switches around the console. "We can go anywhere; literally anywhere! Mars, the year 6 billion-Apple, Victorian era, The dinosaurs, etcetera!"

"Hmm, any urban legends actually exist?" Trixie suggested.

"Urban legends... A-ha! Got the perfect one." The Doctor exclaimed, dramatically flipping a switch. "Hold on tight!" He instructed, pulling a rather large lever on the console. She latched onto the railing behind her and as she did so a strange whorping sound blared, as the whole room felt like it was being thrown head-long into a tornado.
  After a few seconds, it came to a stop. Trixie looked excitedly from the Doctor to the door.

"Is it really?" She asked, dopamine rushing through her. The Doctor nodded, grinning. Without a thought, she rushed through the doors.

Walking, conversing and laughing in all directions were - without a doubt - aliens. Some big, some small, some purple, some with one eye, it was certainly a strange sight to see. Trixie stared around, mouth open. "Oh- my- gosh! It's actually real!" She squealed, hearing the Doctor exit from behind her.

"Yeah, ooh! Look at that." The Doctor commented, looking up. Up above, there was - unmistakably - sea covering all directions around them, in the shape of a triangle. "Bit literal."

Turning her attention to the land-scaping, she glanced over the nearby railings. Going down for miles and miles were rows of metallic bars running all around, the same cherry red carpet draped across them. Each side of the triangle seemed to stretch out for eternity.

"This is.. massive. Like.. really massive!" Trixie exclaimed, gawking at the height. The Doctor nodded, also glancing down.

"Inviting pit down there." He said, and it took a moment to figure out what he was talking about. A void of nothing-ness sat at - what they assumed was - the bottom of the space. "Shall we venture?" He asked, holding his arm out.

"Definitely." She said, taking it.

The area was full to the brim of varying species, it was wonderful. The Doctor answered some questions about the different aliens, such as a pair of two, which both had massive heads covered with pasty, leather-like skin and one piercing blue eye each, who had apparently been called Cyuloids.

As they walked under a corridor with water floating just inches above them, Trixie recognised some more familiar - human - items. Clearly some sort of collector had dropped them off to display them. Said items were a pair of fluffy slippers, a basketball and a very old-fashioned jukebox which boomed out different songs as they passed.
   Trixie couldn't help but stare with awe whenever they came across a particularly mind-boggling alien; The Doctor having to prod her slightly to stop her.

This time, she was staring at a pair of them, standing stationed next to an entryway. Deep yellow skin, which had a rather ragged texture, with pitch black eyes. The most peculiar part about their appearance was the fact that they looked to be wearing a ventilation mask of some sort, before she realised that it was apart of their skin.

"Trixie, don't stare." The Doctor reminded her, nudging her arm.

"Sorry." She snapped out of it. "It's just— new to me. I mean they're just so.. different."

"Imagine how you look to them; all.. pink and such."

"You look the exact same as me."

"Eh, fair hit."

* * *

The Doctor and Trixie had gone around on a whole tour, or, as much as the ship as they could've explored at a time.

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