Ship of The Dead (2)

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"WOW! I mean, I've been on a plentiful of ships but this is... different." Nessa commented, curling and looking up and down at the TARDIS.

"Yeah, it's quite.. unique to say the least." The Doctor replied, trying to play it off casual, but kept looking at the TARDIS to the room and back.

"But, why so small? You two could just about fit in there." She questioned.

"Well- um.." He said. "Tell you what? Just take a step inside, why don't you?" Nessa looked suspiciously at him for a minute, before pushing open one of the lapis blue doors. Trixie and The Doctor exchanged a look, smirking.
    After some moments, she stepped out, widened eyes. Double-checking the area surrounding the TARDIS, her mouth was wide open.

"That.. looked... AMAZING! How do you do it? Is there just a limitless amount of space inside?" She asked, enthusiastically.

The Doctor had that familiar stupid smirk on his face as he talked, and Trixie smiled. She continued to scan the layout of the bunker for any abnormal material. A small circular window, some old tables and barrels, and donr discarded bottles of some sort of alien beer.

"Pretty much, it's quite hard to explain, just... wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey." The Doctor responded, waving his hand bleakly in the air.

"So, you are the Captain of this ship, as I am with mine."

"I suppose, yes." The Doctor said.

Trixie had picked up one of the discarded bottles, taking a whiff of it, and instantly coughing. It smelt like onions and raw eggs at once. She instantly put it down. As the Doctor and Nessa kept chatting, Trixie leaned against a wall, looking at the floor.
   Caked on the floor, obviously built up for a while, was dust and dirt. Obviously most would've assumed this was a normal occurrence, however, it wasn't like that. In some areas, there were piles of the debris stacked in corners and crevices.

"Uhh, Nessa?" Trixie began, kneeling down and picking up some of the dust, rubbing it in her fingers. Nessa stopped speaking and looked at her.

"When's the last time someone cleaned in here?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, that dust never goes away. Always stays in the crevices, so we don't bother." Nessa replied, shrugging. The Doctor had knelt down too, and wiped his hand over the floor. His handprint imprinted on it.

"Hmm." The Doctor paused. He toon a pinch of some of the debris, and put it in his mouth. Exactly like when they had first met, Trixie turned away, covering her mouth to stop gagging.
   The Doctor attempted to find some sort of taste or hidden substance in it, but clearly failed to, judging by the fact he began to spit it out of his mouth. After finishing his mini coughing-fit, he stood up straight again, a pained grimace on his face.

"Told you to stop eating random substances." Trixie said, weakly, also standing up.

"Right, yeah." He said, subconsciously. "Right! I think I'll go scan for any sort of life forms on the main deck, you never know; could be ghosts! Just hopefully they aren't the Gelth, if so." He continued rambling, heading up the ladder.

"He's quite a strange man, but I assume you can already tell that." Nessa said to Trixie, watching as the Doctor left.

"Yeah, tell me about it." She replied, a soft laugh.

"Travelled with him long?"

"Well, not.. exactly. Feels like forever, but, it's only been.. like 2 other adventures." She answered. "Time just seems to.. stop working when you're with him." Nessa looked at her.

"Forgive me for my bluntness, but are you two.. together?"

"Oh!" Trixie said, taken aback. "No, we- uhm- aren't."

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