Future of Mankind

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"What the HELL is this?" Taylor squeaked, in a high pitched voice as the TARDIS landed. He was sprawled on the floor, having been taken by surprise from the sudden shaking. "I was just planning to tease you and your boyfriend but then there's.. this??"

"He's not my boyfriend! Taylor, why are you here? Why would you follow me, even IF I had a man with me?" Trixie snapped, walking towards him.

"Hang on, this isn't my fault! You're the one with the boyfriend with the freaky sci-fi crap going on!"

The bickering continued, their voices becoming illegible over their overlapping yelling. The Doctor peered around the console and approached the scene, extraordinarily confused.

"Hey! What are we yelling for? Ohh..." His voice trailed off as his eyes landed on Taylor. "What? What? What?" He paused after each word, looking between the two of them.

"It's my brother, Taylor, you haven't met him yet. Until now!" Trixie explained, dragging Taylor upright. "Okay, where are we?"

"The far future, on an alien ship." The Doctor replied, still looking slightly baffled. "Right, Trixie, Taylor, are you ready to see this?"

Despite her frustration, Trixie still found the familiar feeling of excitement and curiosity infecting her. She nodded. He stepped aside, opening the door for them both.

Both of them, - Taylor looking quite confused - stepped out of the TARDIS. They were in a room with polished, marble walls and ceilings. A rug with a strange, bumpy pattern ran along it, stretching for what seemed like a mile. Many people wearing fancy suits and dresses stood in groups, discussing who-knows-what things. A woman appeared in-front of them, wearing a sleek, black dress with a black chip with a small, green rectangle which glowed on the side of her head.

"Welcome, guests." She bowed slightly, looking at the three of them. "This is the Strip of Life aircraft, where all guests are equally important, and no questions are left unanswered. Today is a special day, by looking out that window over there, you shall view the Great Destruction of the Enemy." She led them over to a massive window at the end of the mile-long hallway. "Sit back and relax."

The three of them peered out the window. Floating in mid-space, peaceful as ever, was Earth. Typical.

"Uhm- excuse me, mind telling us what's going to happen to it?" The Doctor asked the woman.

"Blown up. By ourselves, obviously. My name is Isana, by the way, welcome." The woman, Isana, answered.

"Blown up?" Taylor shrieked, Trixie hit him on the arm slightly to quieten him.

"But that.. that can't happen. Earth doesn't blow up for another.. what.. billion years! I was there." The Doctor mumbled, looking down at Earth with furrowed eyebrows.

"Well, clearly it's happening now." Trixie said, also looking down with furrowed eyebrows. "What do we do?"

"Sit back and relax, please ask any staff if you need assistance." Isana said with a smile, before walking off. Taylor watched her walk away with a curious expression.

"What do we do, Doctor?" Trixie asked, once again. "That's our home down there, just.. waiting to be burnt." Her voice slightly broke.

"Hey, don't worry." The Doctor comforted, pulling her in for a side hug. "We'll find a way to solve this. We always do."

"Yeah. Right." Trixie sniffed, nodding, feeling more confident. "Alright, Taylor? You stay by us." She turned around, only to find nobody there. "Taylor?" She looked around the immediate area, Taylor wasn't there. The Doctor was calling his name too.

"Taylor?" He yelled, louder. Walking down the long hallway, they continued to do so, but Taylor was nowhere to be found.

Taking a left, they found themselves inside of a different hallway, this time leading into a large room. On one end, a massive stage with a microphone on it. Lights were hanging from the ceiling, all pointed at the central point, but nobody was occupying the stage yet. On the other end, a massive dining hall full of tables, food and people, all of them in their most formal attire; many drinking champagne.

Trixie felt quite sick; they were celebrating Earth's destruction. But then, yet again, who knows what they could've done at this point in time. Would whatever Earth have done justify this? Trixie looked at the Doctor, who was scanning the dining hall.

"Any sight of him?" Trixie asked, fiddling with the zip of her jacket.

"No, he's not here. Why does everyone I meet love wandering off?" The Doctor groaned, rolling his eyes. "Right. If your brother could go anywhere on an alien ship, where would he go?"

"You're asking me to think of one area?" Trixie asked, smirking. "Right, sorry. Probably some mechanic area."

"Okay. Right. There's probably some sort of area like that around here."

"Should we split up?"


"Split up; I stay here, gather information about what Earth's done and why everyone here loves the idea of Earth being blown up, you go and find Taylor." Trixie offered.

"Trixie, we have already lost one person."

"Yes, but difference is that I'll remain here and won't wander off!" The Doctor raised his eyebrow. "Okay fine, but I promise I won't wander off."

"..Fffine! Fine! Just stay here, and if you move-" The Doctor scoffed, giving in. She smiled at him, waving and going to sit down at a table. The Doctor watched carefully as she walked off, still worried, but switching his mind back to Taylor. That's who he had to focus on now.


sorry for the random like month long break in between chapter publishing - mental issues and exams 💪 !!

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