Ship of The Dead (3)

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"Ooh! That's interesting." The Doctor murmured, being distracted by the sudden flash that rippled across the water. It was as if somebody had taken a flashlights power, and multiplied it by 10,000. "Has it ever done that before?"

"Not that we can recall.." One crew member began.

"Where's Trixie?" Nessa asked, sharply. Her face was suddenly serious and no trace of amusement or even a sly smirk was on her face.

"CAPTAIN NESSA!" A voice yelled, a crew member was running towards them, out of breath.

"What's wrong, Marce?" Nessa asked.

"The- the girl— she went into the water to look- then once I reeled her back in— a hand was attached 'round her ankle! Then— she hurried off saying she needed to check something, and I don't know where she is! The waters shone!" Marce continued to yell, exhausted.

The Doctor listened to this, his eyebrows furrowed.

"A hand?" He queried.

"Broken away from a long-deceased body."

"You mean there's dead bodies in the sea?" Nessa asked, raising her eyebrows. "I'm not entirely a scientist, but I'm pretty sure that dead people can't grab others."

"They can't." The Doctor said, looking down into the water. "Just like how a scanner can't pick up dead people." They all looked at him.

"So you're saying that they aren't.. dead?" She asked, walking beside him.

"No. Not dead, spiritually at least. Dead physically." He said, a dark expression on his face.

"Then where's Trixie?" Nessa pushed. The Doctor remained with his dark expression, before raising his sonic to the water and scanning it. He looked down at it afterwards.

"Apparently, scattered across the water." The Doctor mumbled, a confused expression on his face.

"You mean she's dismembered?"

"No!" He said, "It shows traces of her DNA; or.. well now atoms.. in the water. Oo- and some others as well. But that's just.. we should be able to see them, though." His eyebrows furrow.

"Then where could they be? How do we get them back?" She asked, desperately.

"Hmm.." He pondered for a moment. "You! Marce, was it?" He said, pointing at the crew-member which had came running. "Did you see where Trixie ran to?"

"Near-middle of the ship, sir!" Marce said, hastily. The Doctor seemed to immediately understand, and darted down the steps going down to the main deck, Nessa following suit.
Practically jumping down the trapdoor, The Doctor knelt down and scanned the bunker's floor. There was certainly an addition to the dust piles across the floor.

Nessa, out of breath, stood behind him.

"This dust just 'doesn't go away', huh?" The Doctor said, picking some of it up and letting it fall. He scanned it. "Traces of Merkanian and Human DNA, A-Ha!" The Doctor exclaimed, laughing slightly. "Nessa, quickly go upstairs into your chamber and look on the scanner, when you next see something approaching, tell me. Just yell."

Nessa nodded, without question and scurried up and out of the bunker. Her footsteps overhead faded away. The Doctor stared at the piles of dust for a second longer, before leaping up and climbing up the ladder.

An eternity seemed to pass, with The Doctor sitting against the ship's wall and Nessa watching over the scanner. Early hours of the morning had started to dawn on them, when finally, Nessa sounded the alarm.

"Tiny ship upcoming; 12 O'Clock!" She yelled. The Doctor sprung up, sonic in hand. Adjusting the settings, he pointed it at the sky. Soon enough, the ship had approached, then hit. The very familiar forcefield appeared once again, and The Doctor quickly pointed his screwdriver at it.

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