Ship of the Dead

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"Record check, Francis?" One of the boys asked to the other.

"Seas are still, mate. Doubtful if we ever move from this area of sea." The other, Francis replied.

"How's Captain?"

"Doing as fine as ever."

"You lot 'ear something?" One boy, looking away from his spyglass asked.

"Nah, Meren, just you hearing things." Francis replied.

Suddenly, the trapdoor leading to the ship's bunker swung open. Two young people stuck their heads out, wearing rather mixed clothes; white shirts, brown sleeveless jackets, and some wear and tear on their trousers.

"Ahoy there!" The female said, enthusiastically smiling. The three or so men turned around, also suiting (rather worn) clothes. "Uhh.. Doctor?" she said uncertainly.
They looked strange; almost a gone-off peachy colour covered their body, with a rose tint on some areas.

* * *

Trixie tugged at the ropes binding her on the stiff, wooden mast. Groaning, she stopped and relaxed her arms.

"Uhh.. Doctor? I don't think this is exactly the sort of pirates I was expecting.." She mumbled, wary of being overheard.

"Yeahhh... maybe it didn't go exactly to plan.." He replied, she couldn't see him clearly as he was tied on the other side. They had been bound on the same mast, with the same rope, in view of all the pirates.
She looked at the pirate nearest her.

Thick, moss-coloured, scaled skin covered them. Two beady eyes coloured much alike their own; scanning the area and occasionally glancing back to them. If Trixie had to describe it exactly, these 'pirates' looked like a mix between a snake, lizard and human all at once.
The top part of their faces were scaled, just like a lizards, but their mouths and jaws were smooth like a human. Gills stuck out on some, pointing out much like renditions of sea monsters. All of them had partially long, dreadlocked hair tied up in a loose ponytail to keep it out of the way.

"Well, we need to try to explain about the mistake here before we get thrown overboard." Trixie mumbled.

"Right, good idea." He said, clearing his throat. "Excuse me? Uhh, there seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding.." He continues, attempting to louden his voice, but making it low enough to not sound demanding. The nearest one approached and drew their sword, hissing slightly.

"Speak again and you'll be heading to the plank, creature." He hissed the last word as if it was an insult.

"Aalllright, now, we can solve this easily— without any.. erm.. violence." The Doctor said, choosing his words carefully. "Listen— we didn't particularly plan to come here.."

"What'd you think we should do with 'em? Lend 'em over to the Captain?" He called to his other friends.

"Oh! Yes! Let us see the Captain, I'm sure he'll understand-"

"Ha! 'He'?" A confident voice called from the opposite deck. "I think you mean 'her'. Nessa of Merkants." The person finally came into clear view. She looked exactly like the others; scaled skin, but with a more turquoise tone to it. She had seaweed green hair, also in long dreadlocks which fell down to her waist. Strings of beads and shiny, golden hoops were carefully positioned in each dread, and her amber-coloured eyes scanned over the two of them, with an adventurous glint in them. A brown frock coat hung around her shoulders, over the top of her slightly loose shirt and trousers, with a single black hat upon her head. Trixie felt her stomach twist.

"Oh, my- uhm— apologies, Nessa?" The Doctor said, awkwardly.

Nessa's eyes landed on Trixie for a single moment, before she spoke;

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