Into The Triangle (3)

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The security had dropped the Doctor off at the top floor, and he was pacing down the runway subconsciously, wracking his brain for any sort of hint or answers to be behind that door.

It was all so suspicious; the abyss, the fact that there were wires, but no lights were in sight, and that door. If he had learnt anything from him past adventures, it would be that everything is connected.

A huddle of aliens with deep yellow skin passed by, looking like they were floating because of how fast they were moving, they were gathered around a hooded person in the middle. If Trixie was here right now, she'd probably be hissing in his ear about it. Hah.

Then it hit him like a sack of bricks; Trixie. She wasn't here.

Eyebrows furrowing as he realised this, he began walking around quite quickly, calling her name. People looked at him strangely as he passed, but he didn't take much notice.

6PM, Dinner in the Dining Hall on 7th Floor is due.

The Doctor heard the announcement ringing in his head. Settling on Trixie being in the dining hall, he headed down hastily.

Once he arrived, he scanned the surroundings carefully. Trixie wasn't there. Approaching the alien, (that he had asked to find out about the void) he spoke to her whilst doing a second scan of the area.

"You haven't seen the girl I was with earlier, have you? Bit shorter than me, brown hair, pale?" He asked.

"No, sir. My apologies." She replied.

The Doctor sighed, pacing around the room. Where was Trixie?

* * *

Trixie awoke, her head spinning still. As her surroundings came in to focus, she attempted to raise a hand to her head but found herself unable to move.

Thick, rough ropes were tied around her firmly, preventing her from so much as moving an inch. Enclosing her in a circle all around, were the robed aliens from before.

"Where the hell am I?" Trixie demanded.

"Shh. He is resting." They whispered in unison at her.

For a moment, she didn't understand what they meant. Until she saw 'him'. A very ferocious growl boomed throughout the darkness.

* * *

Up above, a rumble occurred once again, this time stronger than all the previous ones. Many guests who were being seated yelled out with surprise.
During the chaos, The Doctor spotted some of the aliens which had passed by earlier hurry out a door. Suspicions raised to an all-time high, he quickly scanned the room, spotting a familiar face; Giovan.

"Giovan! Important business; what's behind that door?" He asked, pointing at the door they had just exited from.

"Erm.. sir, I'm not entirely sure about that.." Giovan replied.

"And would that door happen to be accessible by anyone?" He asked.

"Most likely not, sir." Giovan answered, sounding like he was about to protest, knowing what the Doctor would do. Within an instant, the Doctor rushed over to the door, opening it and dashing through it. From the sound of hurried footsteps behind him, he could tell that Giovan had followed too.

* * *

Trixie stared with widened eyes at the thing in front of her. It covered the entire space of the entirety of the Bermuda. Thick, smooth maroon skin covered it. A large pair of yellowing, rotting teeth covered the top. It was there for a split second, having stretched upwards, then descended into the pits below. She gulped.

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