A.T.I. Hospital

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Minutes flicked by like decades, each at a time and drawn out by the never ending rustle of noise. Trixie was seated in a rather uncomfortable, plastic-like chair in a hallway.

The Doctor couldn't have just died, or something, could he? No. He couldn't have.

Her mind raced with possibilities, each more devastating by the second. Nessa's voice snapped her back into reality.

"Hey, Trixie?" She said, prodding her shoulder. "The nurse wants us to see her."

"Is he alright?" Trixie asked instantly, rising from her chair. Nessa looked at her. She hated this; why couldn't she just give a straight answer??

Reluctantly, she followed Nessa, still borderline pissed off with the lack of answers. As much as Trixie had always hated to admit; she was worried about him.

They entered, and were met face-to-face with the said nurse. Momentarily, Trixie was taken out of her concerned state, being replaced with absolute shock as she laid eyes on a CAT. She blinked. It certainly was a cat - a tabby one - but standing on two legs and wearing white robes.

"Hello, Sister.. Anja, was it?" Nessa asked, looking at her without a trace of shock. Trixie quickly fixed her face, realising it was rude to stare. "How is he?"

"We've scanned him over multiple times, but we haven't managed to find anything. Just a minor concussion. Other than that, he's perfectly well." Sister Anja informed them.

"Good! Can we see him?" Nessa asked.

"We unfortunately are not accepting visitors, as it is necessary he re-"

"I don't care; I'm seeing how he is." Trixie said, firmly. She squeezed past Sister Anja, and into the main room where The Doctor lay on a bed. Another cat (or 'Sister') was also there by his side, she rushed towards him. His eyes were shut, and his hair was as ruffled as usual. He looked perfectly fine, as Sister Anja had said. But why would he have just.. collapsed?

"He's doing alright. All of his systems and vitals are stable." The Sister said, looking at her. "Some of our other Sister's have encountered him before. New New York, such a beauty." Trixie looked at her, curious.

"Do they have.. any idea on how this could've.." Trixie began. The Sister shook her head, looking somber.

"As Sister Anja said, just a concussion." She said.

"Has he ever done something like this before?" Nessa, who had sat beside her, asked Trixie. She thought for a moment.

"I mean, not that I can remember. We just go on from things so fast— it just sort of becomes a blur!" Trixie mumbled.

"Well, what about like.. symptoms? Any sort of odd behaviours?" She pressed. Trixie began to say the exact same thing, but then it hit.

"He's been forgetting things, a lot. Like— a LOT. It's almost like some sort of.. block." She exclaimed. Out of the corner of her eye, Trixie swore she could see the Sister do a double-take.

"Okay, ladies, I must insist you leave the Doctor to rest!" Sister Anja ordered, strolling towards the bed. Nessa and Trixie both stood up. Trixie felt the other Sister's eyes on her, then a hand on her shoulder. It was Nessa.

"It's alright, Trixie. He'll be fine. If you ever need my help - either of you - then you know where to find me. Not like I'll be anywhere else other than my ship. Well, Heris and I's ship." She comforted her. Pulling her in for a hug for a bit, she waved goodbye.

Trixie was about to enter the hallway too, but she was prevented by a hand grabbing her arm. She turned; it was the other Sister. She was staring at her intensely, and hissed to her in a quiet voice:

"Please, come into here, Trixie." She gestured with her head to a room off to the side. Trixie looked over at Sister Anja, looking back at the Sister.

"What for?" She whispered.

"I need to tell you something, something important, and nobody else can hear." Trixie hesitated for a moment, before nodding. They both went inside the room. It was a sort of storage closet for all sorts of beddings, medicine and supplies, and they both tried their best not to touch anything.

"What did you need to say?" Trixie asked, concerned.

"Someone informed me, before you and the Captain arrived, that you would come. And.. and they said, if the Doctor continues to forget, then remember this phrase; this phrase only." She hissed, looking around as if afraid of being overheard. "The phrase was 'Save Him'."

Trixie took a moment, something about this phrase rang familiar to her, but she couldn't pinpoint exactly where from. She was about to respond, before she was ushered out of the room. For a few moments, she stood outside of the patient room, just staring.

Finally, she inhaled and decided to take her seat back in the uncomfortable seat.

I only own the Hallows family and other aliens which apply. Every other character and alien belongs to Doctor Who!!!

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